no exactly meditation but a step towards it that you can do anywhere.-- Breathing.
i checked out a book on cd from the library a few years ago and it was this very factual self help book about how we only use about the top 20 percent of our lungs,
and it just talked about the negatives of breathing quickly and shallowly.
So pretty simple, just a three count in, hold for a four count and actuall exhale alll the way for a three count. maybe make a little braclet for yourself to remind you to breath slower and deeper. it improves your posture too, bonus :)
I hope i'm clear that i'm not really talking about the count to 20 before you explode type of thing, but just a gentle random thing you do for yourself to help your whole day be a little calmer.
another free thing that might help might be some sort of visualization. If you want to link it to the breathing you can think of the air being colored, blue in orange out. or what ever, purple sparkles in, Rainbow tiedye out, something silly :)
I also try to chill a bit before i fall asleep and i imagine my stress being like sand that drains slowly out of my heels, starting at the top of my head down down down. that sort of settles me, becaue the sand is heavy as it is leaving my body. weird huh?
Try your library for audio books on relaxation, or mediations, or even some yoga dvds if money and time are an issue.
and if it helps i'll say some prayers for you too. being on edge is no fun and i'm sure you' deserves some peace in your life.