Typically a housecleaner has a standard list of things they do for the amount of time they are there or are paid for. IE, bathrooms, scrubbing everything down, cabinets, baths, toilet, sink, mirror. If you'd like her to wipe down the walls or inside the cabinet thats probably an 'extra'.
With the few people I've used (man thats a luxury I miss!!) I would let her do the expected items and *if* she had time I had a note with the 'extras' listed. Sometimes the blinds needed attention and if I asked she'd wipe them down, but it wasn't on the expected list of things to do every week. Or vacuum under all the furniture or the furniture itself, thats an extra with most cleaners.
If the house was already fairly clean, she had more time for extras, but sometimes it was dirtier than usual and the extras were saved until next week. HTH.