I am also having the same issue---no maternity insurance. We are considered "cash pay" and we are getting a 20% discount from our doctor and a flat rate from Med. Center of Plano. It's $6500 for a c-section. I don't know about a vaginal delivery, but I know it's cheaper. Presby Dallas was $9500.00 for cash pay for a C-section when I called!
I have researched this quite a bit and the only thing that seemed worth it was Humana One Individual Health Insurance. When I ran the numbers, it seemed that would've been just a little cheaper than paying out of our pocket. It's practically the only individual insurance that offers mat. coverage without a cost limit. The others I found had limits($4500.00 is all they would cover). The only problem with Humana One is that you have to sign up, wait 30 days BEFORE you get pregnant. When I found out about it, I was already pregnant so that option was out for us. So, if you aren't pregnant yet, I would check into Humana One.
Hope this helps. It is no fun not having Mat. insurance and I honestly believe middle class people who are self employed get the short end of the stick where health insurance is concerned.
Good Luck,