To people who hate acronyms, txt, initials, and similar... never join or marry into the military!!! I grew up with BDUs, MREs, PX, XO, CO, NCO,EOD, UDT, ATC, MOS, etc.. The military, more than any other organization had been known for it's simplifying of names for decades. So much so... I bet you know what Sgt & Capt translate into. So for those who hate shorthand. Don't touch the military with a 10' pole.
Nor for that matter, take up egyptology. Nor secretarial work. Nor mathmatics. Nor Real Estate. Nor restaurant work. Nor, nor, nor.
People have been using various forms of shorthand (removing vowels being the most basic) for thousands of years. No one's doing anything special or new here.
What I DO wish is that Mamapedia would publish a list, because there are about 40-50 in common usage. From the basic LOL = laugh out loud & smilees :)... to the "parenting site specific". WM on this site means Working Mom, but it means Woman Marine in the USMC. And topsy turvy / upside down on other sites.
There's also some pretty standard variations. SAHM = Stay at home mom, SAHP = stay at home parent... similarly:
Work At Home Parent WAHP
Work At Home Mom WAHM
Work At Home Dad
Working Parent (implying out of the house)
Working Mom (ditto)
TTC trying to concieve
STBXH Soon To Be eX Husband
XH Ex Husband
STBXW Soon to Be eX Wife
PPL people
CIO cry it out
KWIM know what I mean
HTH hope that helps