I put away my coffee table when my little one was younger. It made more room in the living room for things like the saucer and swing.....
Electrical plugs are a must...
I like the doorknob protectors that enclose the whole door knob for the utility closet (with all the chemicals). It was a visual reminder to hubby not to leave it open and it remained on the door until my son was 6 and KNEW not to drink those things.
The stick on refridgerator locks don't work.
I didn't like the kitchen cabinet latches that you could open the door a little, push down to open the rest... 1. They were easy to figure out 2. it left fingers to be pinched 3. if you forget the door open, it's a piece of plastic sticking straight out at toddler eye level.
Gates at the tops and bottoms of stairs are a must.
Enjoy every moment!