Infant Making Baby Food - New York, NY

Updated on January 13, 2009
R.C. asks from New York, NY
5 answers

My baby will turn 6 months this week and I started feeding him cereal and some veg/fruit purees last week. I want to make my own fruit/veg purees. How do i make carrots and peas?
Do I steam the carrots first then put them in the food processor. I was given the Beaba as a present and will be using that.....

any advise is greatly appreciated.


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answers from New York on

Hi R.,

Go buy the book Super Baby Food by Ruth Yaron. It's the best book out there on making and freezing baby food. Also, it's includes LOTS of information on what to introduce and when, nitrates, etc.. Have fun!!!



answers from New York on

I steamed my veggies first then pureed, somethings needed a lil water.



answers from New York on

My husband and I steamed and then mostly mashed. Occasionally I would puree, but our son was such a happy eater, he didn't seem to mind texture. It then made it easier to move on to things that he needed to gum a bit before swallowing. I really don't think you need anything too fancy. Even just mashing with a fork will get carrots and potatoes nice and soft.

We had no issues with carrots. His first foods were potatoes, yams, carrots, cauliflower, broccoli and banana. Good luck!



answers from New York on

Lucky you to have a Beaba! What do the directions say? If not using the Beaba, then I usually bake (I think it concentrates the food's flavor) then I use the food processor. You might need to add water, especially in the winter when food just seems less juicy. Watch out for the nitrites. Ask you doctor about that.



answers from New York on

When making vegetables like carrots the easiest way is to put a little water in a pot and cut the carrot into pieces and cover tightly then simmer until softened and put into the processor. You want the liquid as well because the vitamins are in the water and you need liquid to puree. Make sure you use organic carrots. Any fruit/vegetable with a thin skin cannot be washed enough to remove pesticides from farming. Babies because of their size can be affected more readily than adults. Stop and shop and Costco has organic varieties at decent prices.

I made all my own food for my kids when younger. I am writing you because I did not know about the benefits of organic fruits and vegetables and if I did I would have avoided a lot of sensitivity and allergies my kids developed at an early age.

If you want to know more please email me and I have a host of suggestions to keep your baby safe and healthy.

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