I research where my stuff comes from.
You may think that is impossible...But when you do not have the money to be buying stuff alot...you have time to research.
I buy nothing that is not sustainable for other people. I.e. My kids wear Toms. Because of the one for one. Now. TOMS are made in china. Which sucks. I hate that factor. But they are not made in ''Sweat shops.'' They are humane factories. And pay living wages. So it is a made in China Label I can live with I guess.
When it comes to big products..We do not buy them. Our TV was a gift. The washer and dryer came with the house, and would be replaced by my sister and BIL. All our appliances are second hand or more..So with that respect I do not look into where it is coming from...Because I either do not have a hand in it...or I used no $$ for it.
My car I know is not made here. I drive a Honda. Bought used.
Clothes I buy second hand. I do try and be extremely picky on the types of clothes I buy...because you can find stuff made in america but normally they buy stuff and rpint on them....and that still means it was partially made elsewhere.
To find clothes that is 100% made in america...You will be paying for it.
American made clothes is some of the most expensive.
I just try to be as conscience about where I spend my money and on what.
I get that you can not go to a store anymore and easily afford things made here.
What I try to do is change my patterns of shopping when and where I can. Making better choices on where I do my shopping. What products I CAN buy here, from here. What products I can buy to help out others.
Becoming an informed consumer who pays attention to the trail her life makes is one of the most important things I have learn becoming an adult.
I am glad that I am broke. Because I have had to become aware of my foot prints...because they all cost me money.
so no. It does not just NEED to say Made is the U.S.A. I need to know though that the company who makes the product is acting responsibly, and not carelessly to only benefit their profits and bottom line. It is not just about their bottom line and me having stuff. In the end it is what is left for my kids and their kids futures.