I agree with what Molly said. My mom has lupus and she regularly sees some sort of special eye doctor concerned with the health of her eyes. It is a scary autoimmune disease as it attacks the organs. As Molly said, the best thing she can do is keep up on her meds and pay attention to any signs that her body may have a problem. My mom's lupus has attacked her joints, her pancreas, and her kidneys. Her kidneys took the worst hit, shut down and she had to go through dialysis and a transplant. That's where I say pay attention to the warning signs. Kidney disease symptoms are things like fatigue. She was working so much that she just thought she was tired. It never dawned on her that her kidneys were shutting down!
Also, watch sun exposure and when she does go out be sure to wear protective covering, ALWAYS wear sunblock, heck even bring an umbrella or parasol. My mom has to watch her sun exposure a lot.
I've watched my poor mom be in so much pain b/c of it, but again, I think the most important thing is to keep up on meds. If you don't like a Dr. get a second opinion. Her rhumatologist (sp) was terrible and she got another that is WAY better. It can't be cured, but it can be managed. Best of luck to you!