Go to the Doctor TODAY!! This is not something to wait on.
It sounds like a cyst or even blocked duct or something but you need to get it cleared up NOW!
Please let us know the outcome!
I found a lump in my right breast with pain under my right arm pit that is very bad. I also have a red, dry, itchy rash on my neck that I have had ever since I noticed this. I am going to get it checked out, but was wondering if anyone had ever had anything like this.
Thank you for all the responses. I went to the doctor last week and he said it is just a knot in my muscle and that I need to cut down on my caffeine intake.
Go to the Doctor TODAY!! This is not something to wait on.
It sounds like a cyst or even blocked duct or something but you need to get it cleared up NOW!
Please let us know the outcome!
Do not pass go and collect $200, do not wait, period!!!
Make appt now, urgent, get seen today!!!
I had a dr. find a lump in both breast and my armpit was sore. It turned out to be fibercystic cysts from caffine. My doctor did say that a itchy rash will occur if you have cancerous lumps in the breast. I would go the the Womens Imaging Center downtown because you will get the results that same day. The staff over there is so great. It is breast health awareness month so mamograms are discounted to like 60.00 dollars so do it in October.Please have it checked out now and not later.
Hi C.,
I hope you go get this checked out immediately. It doesn't sound good, but don't wait any longer. Good luck and let us know how you are. K.
Dear C.,
Please listen to the other responders, they are right don't wait. As a breast cancer survivor who had a lump for over 10 years - don't wait! Even though the lump was a tumor the cancer was underneath the tumor. Visit your doctor today!
You might have the shingles. My mom had this and you described it exactly like she did. She said the pain was underneath her arm and her breasts were extremely swollen. She also had a rash down her arms, neck and side that only got worse and was extremely painful. The shingles are caused by stress. I suggest you see a doctor but I also know that it takes a month or longer for the pain/rash to go away. I hope this helps!
It could be and probably is fibrocistic cists' in your breasts'. They're non cancerous cells that get agitated by caffeine, smoking, PMS, etc. I can can tell you that cancer does NOT cause pain in the early stages so I doubt very seriously that's what it is but of course see your doctor asap. Good luck
Are you nursing? If so it could be mastitis. Even if you nursed several months ago, it could pop up and it is very painful and causes these symptoms.
Please go get it checkout IMMEDIATELY! My grandmother has a lump in her breast and it was recently diagnosed as a stage 1, low grade cancer. It hasn't spread, to other organs so its good it was caught in time. She didnt have pain under her arm pit but anytime there is a lump that is cause for concern.
I had that same problem. I went to go get it checked and turns out I did had a lump. after a mamogram and a needle biopsy, the Doctor confirmed that I had a benign (noncancerous) lump. I saw 3 different doctors due to my age at that time. I was only 23. All Dotors mentioned that a good sign was that it was painful. They all said cancerous lumps don't hurt. I suggest you go get it checked out. My prayes are with you. I now have to go get a check up every year, but luckily my lump has not grown and it is still benign. Good luck to you. I will love to hear what Doctors tell you.
Do get this checked out ASAP. It may be serious and the sooner you find out, the better. It may not be serious either, but getting a diagnosis is very important. I have not had this type of thing personally, but it could be something. J. K.
I can't say that it's good or bad, but I can congratulate you for eing concious of your body and having it checked out. A helpful hint, cancer doesn't hurt from what I've been told. I had a lump in my breast 2 years ago at the age of 26, had the lumpectomy, and it was benign. My was sore because of it's location (near outer edge of left breast) and it was the size of a golf ball, but mostly because I was CONSTANTLY checking and rechecking. Give it to God and all will be fine! Good luck!
Being a breast cancer survivor I have to say please don't ask people what it is as no one knows or can tell you except having test and X-rays done by your Dr. Do not put this off at all as it is so important to have it checked and find out what it is. It could be something simple but you don't know and I would hate to see you put it off and it turn out to be cancer. Catch whatever it is early and get it taken care of. I do want to stress though that if the Dr. says it is from using the wrong deordorant or it is a sweat gland do not take that as the answer and get a second opinion. My granddaughter also recently had the same thing and it was very painful, she had a biopsy and they found a non-cancerous tumor. It was successfully removed and she is fine and healthy. So please see your Dr. immediately. Better to be safe than regret you put it off. We all say we don't have time for this and that, but trust me, you must find the time and it is a small price to pay to take a little time out of your day to have it checked. Good Luck to you.
Definitely have it checked out by your Ob/Gyn...
It could just be a cyst. Sometimes backpain can radiate down the breast and causes you to think something is wrong with the breast - just for future reference - if that is the only symptom. I pray it's nothing or at least simple and minor.
I agree that you should get checked as soon as possible, but it does sounds like maybe a blocked duct (if you are or have nursed) or maybe even some kind of infection of your lymph node. Please go to the doctor!