dear T.,
All's I can say is this sounds so normal I've had 5 children and they all had different eating habits, I realize you want the best nutrition you can give your little one, but, sometimes when she's refusing to eat the foods you give her maybe her tastes are changing, try offering different kinds of foods, I know, you probably have already done this, so, if this is'nt the case then maybe shes not going through a growing spurt right now. babies and toddlers don't have appetites like us,ha ha, they only eat what they need or wnat at that particular moment , it's common for baabies to go 2-4 days without eating solids. Sometimes their bodies need a chance to adapt to what's been given to them in the last week or so, then, what do ya know , they start eating everything in sight, cuz, they are going through a growing spurt!!! that might last for only a week or two also!!! then your back to sqaure one!!!!!!!!! try just letting her nibble give her only 2 options item #1 or item #2 of the foods you know she likes , if, she refuses, don't worry!!!! she won't starve, your are her/his mommy!!!! and you know when she/he's hungry, they all hve them different crying methods that only you can figure out!!!!! I'm sure your baby is perfectly fine!!! as long as she's filling her diapers you have nothing in the world to worrry about! unless, though she/he is consistenly losing wt. every week and has fever or severe colic or maybe gastritis or a blockage gas is painful, she could be getting too much iron which could cause gas and constipation. try giveing her 1 teaspoonful of dark karo syrup in 4 oz's. of warm water and massage her belly, keep those diapers coming at you at least 4-6 times per day and sometimes even it's normal if they pee only up to 3 times a day and have a bowel movement 1 time every other day, it's ok
S.--- hope this helps/things will get better