Losing Weight - Concord,NC

Updated on October 01, 2016
S.F. asks from Concord, NC
20 answers

What is a good diet to loose weight quickly? I have tried to lose weight since i had my son back in 2005, but it seems like I cant shred a pound. I'm tired of looking like im 8 months prego & I want to fit into my old jeans again & I want to feel good about myself again. Can anyone help me please?!?!?!

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answers from Houston on

I have (just yesterday) lost 26 lbs!!!!! It is NOT a diet. It is the South Beach plan......., it is no/low carbs.
QUICK weight loss? ........no such thing, really.

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answers from Nashville on

Weight Watchers worked great for me after both of my kids! I lost 36lbs in less than 5 months. I was able to eat things I wanted to and not feel hungry all the time. I enjoyed the support from the meetings as well.
Good luck! You can do it!! :-)

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answers from Phoenix on

i do weight watchers, but heard the 17 day diet is a great book and fast in loosing pounds.

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answers from Glens Falls on

The best way to lose weight quick is to first accept the fact that you can't do it quick. Then you won't go on and off different diets and drugs and supplements getting discouraged that the weight isn't coming off fast enough. Just think of your goal as 2 lbs a week, because that's a very reasonable expectation and you can stay motivated by meeting that goal. You have to cut 3500 calories from your normal intake in order to lose one pound. I think it's helpful to eat a lot of protein and fiber (fruits, veggies, whole wheat) because it makes you feel fuller. Avoid carbs - potatoes, pasta and bread (except for a couple servings of whole wheat bread/pasta a day). It's also helpful to remember the first 2 weeks are the hardest. Good luck!

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answers from Milwaukee on

DRINK LOTS OF WATER. Easy to do and you can't eat if you're runnng to the bathroom all day long!

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answers from Phoenix on

Eat Less. eat what you normally would for a week, write it down, measure and most likely you'll be surprised, you are probably eating way more than you should. Eating is 80% of losing weight, exercise is only 20% of losing weight. A lot of people unfortunately think they can eat what they want because they spend hours each week at the gym. Grandma T is right that running is the quickest way to burn calories, but again unless you are a marathon runner, you still really need to watch what you put in your mouth. I trained and ran 1/2 marathon and did not lose a single pound. I felt hungrier, so I ate more, but not the right stuff. I have had the last 10lbs to lose for a couple of years and I just haven't wrapped my head around it yet and stuck to it. I do good for a day or two, then have a few slip-ups the next couple of days. When losing weight, you can't really afford several slip-ups. You can enjoy some of your favorites, but only small servings. Good Luck! Hard work and consistency is the best and easiest way to do it, we all know it, it's just hard to put down the chips, cookies, etc. I hope you can do it - I wish I could.

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answers from Huntington on

Weight watchers worked for me. The firts two months were pure disipline, but it got easier as I adjusted to my new lifestyle of eating. I also walked around my neighborhood and rewarded myself by listening to books on my ipod while I did it. I also chose to limit my processed foods (which really helped) and eat foods as close to nature as I could.

I learned when i did this that 'easy' is a relative term. It was not easy in some respects, but after I got into a good groove, I wondered why I'd not been able to do it before. I love that I still retain many of the good eating habits I adopted, even though I have not been as good as I should since I had my second child.

Good luck to you!!!

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answers from Washington DC on

The lets do lunch diet worked for me. It stresses high fiber, and protein, nothing with added sugar. You can eat all the unprocessed carbs you want, but no processed carbs. No bread, no potatoes. It's not a quick fix, but I promise you, you will lose weight on this if you just stick to the plan. No exercise is necessary with this plan. What I like about it, is that you don't have to count calories, as long as you stick to the plan you can eat as much as you want. Diets fail for two reasons, either your hungry all the time, or your craving something. This plan will give you foods you can substitute to eliminate any type of craving you have ever had. Google Lets do Lunch Diet, and all sorts of information will pull up. If your interested in this I recommend buying the book. It tells you step by step what you need to do to be successful. Good luck.



answers from Sacramento on

It's all hard. Ugh. Especially w/children.
I am trying to do these things:
-Scale back on food I eat (3 main meals 2-3 healthy snacks in btwn)
-Working out during his one and only nap (workout video)
-Floor exercises: abs, push-ups, tricep dips from a chair
-Bought an exercise video (tried library first) and do during his nap
-Think low-fat foods
-I try to eat things that will give me energy: fruit, veggies, peanut butter on celery, not things that are sugary and fat filled like donuts, chips etc.
-I try to walk 3 times a week after dinner while hubby watches toddler
-go to the gym for cardio when I can


answers from Detroit on

There is no quick trick. You need to take in less calories and you need to exercise....bottom line.

I joined a gym last July and about 2 months ago, I REALLY started to see the pay off. Sure I lost a bit before that, but now my body has a different look and the weight is staying off...which is key. And I am loving it :)

I switched up my diet too. I use to eat a ton of salad and not a lot of protien. I added more protein and I REALLY think it has helped.

Here's what I eat daily (at least Monday-Friday)

Grapes on the way into work for an early morning snack (5:30)
Low Sugar Quaker Oat Meal for breakfast (around 7:30)
Banana (9:30)
Low Fat turkey chili or Chicken Soup for lunch with crackers (11:30)
Fruit or Jello for after noon snack (1:30)
After work snack (4:00) Almonds and carrots (little low fat ranch for dipping)
Workout time....40 mins of cardio
Dinner: Chicken Breast and Brocolli or turkey chili or wendy's small chili or chicken soup
During my kids bath, I try to do some quick ab exercises on the stability ball.
late snack if I am munchie...apple or pickles

As you see I eat a LOT, but it's healthy and keeping me on track. I cheat a bit on the weekends and have drinks too, cause that's what we work so hard during the week for!



answers from Seattle on

Work with a nutritionist.

Surprisingly, many people need to UP their intake in order to lose weight. Others are missing key nutrients, so end up eating FAR more in volume, but when they switch a few things around lose their voracious appetite. Others need to readjust the the hours that they're eating. Others, others, others, others....

Working with a nutritionist means you'll get the diet that's right for YOU and your body/activity level/



answers from Knoxville on

Start walking for 25 minutes everyday. Watch portion sizes. Drink two 16oz bottles of water. It may not sound like a lot but each week up your walking by five minutes and add another bottle of water to your water drinking until your walking an hour and your drinking close to a gallon of water a day. It REALLY helps (= Good luck with your weight loss.


answers from Austin on

I can truly help you, but everyone is different so I'd have to know what size you are now and what your goal is. (what is your normal size pre kids?)

it's easier to get to pre-kids size, but if you're looking to be skinnier than that, it could be a challenge on your body but you could do it! I'd just need to know which and what.

also, i need to know what kind of diet your family eats and what your CURRENT regimen is. bc if you eat healthy and are active, then you need a harder program. but if you're more on the caseroles and pizza side, getting started may not be too difficult... you'd just need some minor changes at first but as you begin dropping weight, you definitely increase the challenges.

if you could update me or message me, id be happy to help you!

give me the info above and I'll send you a plan! but it's important to know what your family eats as well bc that is who you are around all the time and they are a part of your success.



answers from Provo on

Have you looked into HCG? My families doctor worked at the orginal clinic that started the whole thing. If you do look into this here are some tips. p.s. my mom lost 30 lbs this past month on it.
1. don't ever do the drops. They aren't regulated like the shots. They could very well be made in someones basement. Shots are made by pharmacies in a controlled environment.
2. Read, read, read information. People know it's a strict diet, but they just jump into it thinking it's food related. My mom wasn't allowed to wear lotion because of the oils in it and some make up is restricted again because of the oils and specific chemicals in it.
3. The food is limited, but the flavor isn't. My mom hasn't gone hungry because of the 500 calories. She also has discovered her love of home grown herbs and the farmers market, all because of HCG.
This I think is the fastest diet out there. It's controversial, but so are a lot of diets and I don't think our doctor would steer my family and I wrong. Especially since we are friends too.


answers from Cincinnati on

1. Go to Zumba classes in your area! You won't feel like you're exercising. You'll be dancing the pounds off.

2. myfitnesspal.com - Input every calorie you eat, and it will keep you in check!



answers from Charlotte on

I know I am late in responding to this but I have to tell you I just finally lost 30 lbs from my 2008 son! And I have STRUGGLED forever! Here is the easy key --- NO CARBS/NO SUGARS. It sounds drastic, but it works, and fast! The first week is horrible, but after that it is easy! I promise. Check our Atkins' website.


answers from Rochester on

It took me a long time after my first. What eventually did it was giving up snacking at night (well, not really...I'd have a bowl of cereal, instead) and cutting back on pop. I didn't quit drinking it, but switched to one or two cans a day instead of 3 or 4. Drank more water, etc. I always walked a ton, but it didn't help until I made those minor diet changes.

It's all about balancing...and tipping that scale in your favor. As long as you are burning more calories daily than you are consuming, you will lose weight. For me, I sat around all winter long (baby just turned one) and ate a ton...and didn't gain or lose. Breastfeeding the whole time. Now that it's nice I've just started walking again (a few miles, a few times a week) and apparently that was enough to "tip the scale" because I've lost fifteen pounds. Also, because my daughter has Celiac disease and I am still breastfeeding, I've quit eating bread/cookies/muffins/baked goods, etc, and I'm sure that's part to do with it. I still eat a ton...just not a lot of carbs.



answers from Nashville on

You won't want to hear it b/c it is not a 'quick fix' but I could never lose weight until I had heart issues and was given 6 months to lose weight. The dietician gave me some ideas and a plan to follow. I could eat only 1500 calories a day. 300 at bfast, 100 snack, 500 at lunch, 100 calorie snack and 500 at dinner. You can move that around however you wish but only 1500 per day and it is best for your metabolism and hunger to eat it in this order or close. Up your fiber and up your protein and still have carbs for energy but mostly eat fiber and protein. The two together are a magic combo. I lost 10 lbs without even exercising in 4 months. My cholesterol numbers dropped drastically too. A normal day for me was oatmeal or Fiber One cereal for breakfast. Arnold's round bread with turkey and slice of cheese with grapes and maybe some cottage cheese or some baked lays. Eating less quantity is amazing, never more than the palm of your hand. don't stop yourself from dessert but instead of a piece of cake, take 1/3 of a piece. Instead of a cookie, eat two bites then give it away to your husband or your kids or save it until later. Sometimes I would eat a bite or two to get my sweet treat then save it till after dinner and finish it. :o) Snacks would be a laughing cow triangle of cheese with some pretzels, or an apple, or some rice cakes, Fiber One granola bar, yogurt with Flax meal, etc It is hard for the first 3 weeks or so then it becomes habit. Just tell yourself that cake or burger will still be there in 4-6 months if you just can't stand the weight you lost. :o) Good luck!



answers from New York on

If you want a healthy weight loss method, mummy magic weight loss tea can help you without hurting your breast milk production.


answers from Modesto on

the fastest way to lose weight is to start running.

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