Congrats on pregnancy #2! Recently, I had to have surgery, and lost A LOT of hair due to the anesthesia .... I freaked out and went to my stylist. We talked about a lot of factors, and she told me that stress, pregnancy (hormones) and medicines are the top reasons women lose more hair than normal. She recommended Nioxin shampoo. I bought some, and by the third shampoo, the falling out had completely stopped. I now lose almost no hair..just a little due to normal brushing. Nioxin works to cleanse the scalp more than the hair..by removing environmental toxins and natural build-up. I bought mine at Macy's, and it was about $14.50. I know that my Macy's will take back shampoo if you keep the receipt, and it is still at least half full. I can't say for sure if it will work for you, because your hair loss is most likely due to hormones, but I'd call my stylist and ask them what they think about Nioxin or a similar product! Hope this helps!