Looking for Tumbling Classes in Skokie

Updated on July 07, 2009
A.B. asks from Chicago, IL
4 answers

I am looking for a fun activity for my 1 year old. I was wondering if anyone knows of a good place for Tumbling Classes in Skokie or somewhere close to Skokie. Thanks for your help.

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answers from Chicago on

There's a fun Gymboree at Old Orchard



answers from Chicago on

Definately My Gym! You won't be disappointed.



answers from Chicago on

two that i know of that may be helpful places are Gymboree at Old Orchard mall and/or My Gym on Gross point Rd. and Church. If those two do not work, try the local park districts like the Davenshire. These places always have programs for toddlers. Good Luck!

F.-mom of 3 kids(4year old, 2 year old and 7 months)



answers from Chicago on

Definitely check out the Skokie Park District and see what they offer. Also, if you are willing to travel a little - check out Wilmette Park District gymnastics classes. The facility is absolutely beautiful and they do mom and tot classes in addition to ongoing gymnastics classes as the kids get older. The gym is big and light-filled w/state of the art equipment. It's really great!

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