I am almost done training my second child, a boy, and let me just say, he was much easier to train than his sister! In fact, I know many who have had an easier time of it with boys. So, first thing first, do not believe it will be harder because he is a boy. Second, potty training is directly correlated with parental motivation. What this means is that YOU BEING READY is just as important as the kid. This doesn't mean to ignore a readiness check-list, it just means that there are lots of things you can do to help in the learning process. I read books to my kids starting at 9 months. I also have a toy potty they play with in the bathroom with their stuffed animals. Both of my kids started peeing regularly at 18 months, daughter in undies and night trained at 21, son is 22 months and almost night trained.
The process of potty learning is a process. This means, (1) they have to learn how to control the muscles, (2) they have to learn timing (understanding sensations and then getting to the bathroom on time), and (3) they have to be willing to postpone immediate pleasure to go to the bathroom, i.e. 2 and 3 year old are so easily distracted, so overcoming distractions is it's own ballpark.
The most important things are to not show any negative emotion, to let the kid be in charge of the process, and to have fun. I like starting out naked and then putting them in trainers as soon as they have muscle control. I only encourage potting before going outside to play, before leaving the house, and before bed. The other times they are fully responsible.