Peapods is the only store I'm aware of. It's possible the co-op in Linden Hills or Minnetonka would carry something. I know that BabyBecause.com is very good about carrying samples and that the cloth diapers can be returned if they haven't been used or washed. I have also bought from CottonBabies.com and they also accept returns but charge a restocking fee.
I will note that I tried about 8 different brands and nothing has compared to Kissaluvs for unbleached cotton. Now that my son is older we find Fuzzi Bunz to work best for him but if you are going the unbleached/organic route these may not appeal to you. If you are interested in Kissaluvs, check out Kissaluvs.com. They have an outlet store where they sell seconds for a good deal. I have used the seconds in two different sizes and never found much difference and Kissaluvs still guarantees the snaps.