I had a phenomenal Doula at my last birth! Luna Wood is her name. I did not have pain medication, there was no time, but Luna is very supportive of your decision w/ or without. She is great, and I highly recommend her.
Best of luck,
I am looking to talk to someone who has experience using a doula at a hospital birth, especially if you elected to use pain medication.
I spoke with several doulas by phone and met with one tonight that we really liked. We have decided to hire Lisa, and her medical background fit in with our desire to be open to pain medication during the birth. I had several helpful and interesting responses from members here, thank you!
I had a phenomenal Doula at my last birth! Luna Wood is her name. I did not have pain medication, there was no time, but Luna is very supportive of your decision w/ or without. She is great, and I highly recommend her.
Best of luck,
I had a doula with me for both of my daughters' births and we(my husband and I) wouldn't do it without her!! I had my first daughter at North Austin Medical Center and my second at St David's. I had complicating blood pressure issues with both labors, which caused me to be given magnesium sulfate and pitocin. I used Hyponobirthing for my pain mgmt. for both. However,after 18 hours of natural with my first, I did have an epidural. Having a doula gave me a greater sense of control for some reason--having her there as a more objective third party to hear and be a part of what was going on. She helped me stay focused on my goals for my birth process---I basically wanted the least amount of intervention as possible--the humor in that is that I could of died from a stroke with either labor, so it's a good thing I was at a hosptial with intervention. I feel that the staff respected my wishes in having her with us. Pain med or not, we wouldn't have wanted to do it without her. My husband is a very introverted person and I am the complete opposite--we've always joked that the three of us made the perfect triangle. She was there for both of us.Basically, it's hard to put into words. I would HIGHLY recommend finding someone who has ample training and birth experiences. Guess that's all...hope it helps.
lisa is a great choice!
I didn't have a doula, but have friends who have. And they have all enjoyed the experience. I think anytime you can get an extra cheerleader behind you, it won't hurt. It's nice to be pampered and taken care of. I did have both my husband and my mom with me for the birth of all 3 of my children. My husband is always phenomenal during delivery. My mom is that extra set of hands, encouraging words, and someone to rub my back or play with my hair. ;o) She was my doula. lol I say go for it if you are interested in it.
B. Farrell-Menchaca
I used a doula at my natural birth, and at my medicated birth; S. Scott of the G. B. Doula Collective http://www.getbabied.com She was so indispensable at both births I was convinced to become a doula myself.
I did, kind-of, for my last baby. She was my best friend, and she was a doula, and she was at the birth. I didn't use pain meds, though, and my husband and I kind-of had it down to a science by then, so my friend was mainly there because 3 of my older children were at the birth and the hospital required that an adult be present for each child under 12. I'd be happy to answer questions if I can, or I can put you in touch with her, although she lives in Oregon, so would only be able to answer questions, not be a possibility for your birth.
hi! good luck with your birth. i'm also pregnant with baby #3. i had a doula with my last birth, at st. david's hospital. i was very very grateful that i chose to hire one. she was very helpful. there were certain "standard" policies at the hospital that i wasn't keen on, and she helped me navigate the political waters to stand up for my preferences and how to ask the right questions. i found that i was able to sign waivers and have most things the way i wanted.
i would be happy to answer anything more specific you might want to ask.
again, good luck on lucky #3!