Looking for Portable Booster Seat for 3 Yr. Old

Updated on April 02, 2008
A.V. asks from Olathe, KS
12 answers

We're leaving for Mexico on Sat. for a family vacation. Last year we took my sons car seat and it was a hassle to lug around and install in the taxi's. We now have a 3 mo. old daughter as well, and will obviously be taking her car seat too. I was hoping to find a small booster for our son that is safe and will work for a child around 33lbs. so we dodn't have to carry 2 big car seats around Mexico. Any suggestions? Thanks so much!

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answers from St. Louis on

you can buy a portable booster seat at walmart for $20. Its very light, 5lbs. maybe, and you just use the car seatbelt to buckle the kid in after they are sitting in the seat. They are very easy to change from car to car:) Good luck and have a great trip, mexico is beautiful!

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answers from Redding on


I think you might like some of the items in this magazine that I receive, www.onestepahead.com but you might need a little more time for delivery, good luck.



answers from St. Joseph on

The Graco High back turbo booster is great. It goes from 30 - 100 lbs. And the back comes off so you can just take the seat part with you. It's very light and easy to take. The ages on it are 3-8 yrs. so your son fits both categories. I believe you can even buy it without the back and it's cheaper. We like the back for long drives because it has sides for sleeping. Good luck and enjoy your trip!



answers from Kansas City on

I know that you can get a small booster seat for him to sit in. I think he has to be 40lbs other thatn that I am not sure I would rather carry the carseats around for him to be safer but that is just me best of luck in your search.



answers from Kansas City on

We just purchased the Safeguard Go portable booster for our 3 year old, who weighs 32 pounds. I highly recommend it. It has a five point harness so it is very safe. The back collapses to fold so it can get pretty small and it is very portable. We purchased ours at Marshmallow Kisses in Zona Rosa, but they can also be ordered online.



answers from Kansas City on

I don't know about a booster seat persay, but onestepahead.com has a ton of safety _and_ convenience items for travel with small ones. I got a fabulous thing called a pac-back that straps around my large carseat so I can carry it on my back as we go through airports and the like. You may want to check into something like that if you can't find a booster. One Step Ahead may also have a booster that will work for you as well.



answers from St. Louis on

We bought the cushee seat ( I think that is what it is called) it's blue (soft kind of cushy) that sits on top of chair. TOtally portable. We take to grandmas, trips, etc. So easy. I think you would like it! I got mine a babies r us. Also, I've seen one at Target that fold up into a little zip pouch! That would be perfect for traveling.



answers from Kansas City on

they sell the booster seat at Wal-mart and Target for around 15.00. I bought 2 last year at Target and they are rated up to 100 lbs. I would be willing to sell one if you are interested. It is still like new. We got rid of his other car seats and then they changed the MO car seat laws so we had to go out and buy car seats again. We got these in a 2 pack bundle and have 3 vehicles anyway so had one in the 2 I drive most often. My son is 8 and doesn't use them that often anymore. It has armrest and a cup holder and lightweight.



answers from Joplin on

I am pretty sure 40 pounds is the weight for a booster seat. I have never seen one for a child that weighed less than that. Wal-mart does carry one made by evenflo that we bought and the back comes off later to become a booster. It is a very light weight seat and has arm rest and a cup holder. We love it.



answers from St. Louis on

I got the cheapest, or next to the cheapest, seat at K Mart or WalMart. It's really simple, just a seat a two little arm rests. Just sits on the seat and the car's seat belt goes across. I used it once my son was the right weight, and ever since.



answers from Kansas City on

My Husband is a carseat tech and he reccomends either Britax r the Graco turbo booster.We can't afford the Britax so we have the Graco turbo booster and we love it.It is easy to use and light weight.I think it starts at 30 lbs and it comes apart and you can just use the bottom when they get older.Although it would be easier to just have the bottom to carry on vacation I think he is to little.Walmart sells this seat and so does Babies R Us.It runs about $40-$50.



answers from Topeka on

Since her weight isn't the recommended 40 lbs I would hate to advise you to go ahead and get a backless booster seat,you may just need to grin and bare it that you'll have to lug around 2 car seat's.At least you can take the straps off the booster seat and use the built in seatbealt.Think about your child's safety not just convience.

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