Looking for Peds MD near Brooklyn Park, MN

Updated on March 06, 2006
T.H. asks from Superior, WI
5 answers

We had a bad experience recently with our current provider, Partners in Peds in Brooklyn Park, and are currently looking for a stellar pediatrician. I would be willing to drive a little if the doctor is good. Anyone in love with their ped MD, or have suggestions? Looking for someone with a complete exam, who readily gives information, and a good office staff. A plus if they are a little "untraditional", a little granola-crunchy. Thanks!

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answers from Minneapolis on

Would you mind telling me what your bad experience was? I also go to Parters in Peds, and so I am very interested. Thanks.



answers from Minneapolis on

i'm sure you have had a lot of responses, but i do LOVE my ped, she's a little far for you probly, she's in st paul, midway area, but she's great, she'll take as much time at each visit and actually sits down and chats with you and observes the child's development instead of just asking about it. she seems to support any "parenting" decisions you make, and, well, i just think she's the best (i have two children under 2 years, and i've been through 4 diff ones in the last 2 years, long story) her office is also very nice and friendly and.... so i really hope you find a good one soon!!



answers from Minneapolis on

I take my 1 1/2 year old son to Health East in Woodbury. Our Dr. is John Piatkowski, and I have been really impressed with him. I wouldn't say that he is granola-crunchy per se, but very respectful of our choices to be vegetarian, forego flu shots, etc. The clinic is connected to Woodwinds Hospital (where I gave birth) and they have a more holisitic approach to things, including aromatherapy and other "alternative" approaches to health care. The # for Pediatricians for Health in Woodbury is ###-###-#### and the one in Maplewood is ###-###-####. Good Luck!



answers from Minneapolis on

Dr. Sacket and Dr. Huberty of Roseville are both excellent. They are located on Snelling. You have to overlook the office which is very outdated. But, the quality of service is excellent. They spend as much time as you need discussing questions; I've never felt rushed there. The staff is willing to answer phone questions. They are a little crunchy -- granola. (: C.



answers from Minneapolis on

Andrew Rzepka is our ped for our 2 month old. He is WONDERFUL. Really takes time to listen. Located in Brooklyn Center - only drawback - the clinic is always filled with TONS of people, but we have hardly every had to wait more than a minute or so in the waiting area.

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