Hi C., I work for an attorney as a legal secretary in Waterbury, CT. We have had times where money was a factor and we have referred them to free legal services or told them to file pro se, which means you would represent yourself and pay only court costs and save the cost of the lawyer. I don't know what area or state you are located in. I have put here the info for the free legal services for the Waterbury/Hartford area of CT. They take area attorneys, good attorneys, and ask them to donate, pro bono, their work. I highly recommend you call and at least speak to them. If you are not in this area they will tell you where to go. Don't do this on your own. Many times things start civily, and you may seem to come to an agreement, but very quickly without much happening, it can turn into a battle. Protect yourself and get an attorney. If it stays civil, great! The attorney will only help facilitate with the Court. And if it doesn't, then you have him/her to help.
Connecticut Legal Services, Inc.
85 Central Avenue, Waterbury, CT 06702
Phone: (800) 413-7797
Provides free civil legal services to the poor. Areas of specialty include domestic violence/family, homelessness/housing, public benefits, and special education, elder and disability law. Last year, Connecticut Legal Services provided legal representation and/or legal counseling to over 121 individuals from Northwest Connecticut in response to their urgent legal crisis with United Way help.
Web Address: www.connlegalservices.org