I had both my boys at Kaiser WLA but it's been a while ago, quite a while since my oldest is 19 and my younger one is 9 (1988 and 1998). As a RN, you're probably in a better position than most to judge the service. I was totally upset by my experience in '98 - to the point of writing the head of the Dept (and not that pleased with my previous experience either - a C-section after hours of labor). In 1998 I end up having a drug free labor and delivery, though it was not by choice. The nurses were too busy checking the monitor readings instead of listening to me and checking me. For whatever reason the monitor was not registering the true strength of my contractions. So while I was writhing in pain and in the process of fully dilating, the nurses was looking at the monitor readings and telling me that it was too early to give me anything for the pain. I would simply have to deal with it, after all "that's why they call it labor pain" as one young nurse coldly stated. This continued all the way to the point when I finally convinced them to let me go to the bathroom because I had this tremendous urge to go, when I got to the bathroom I found the baby was already crowning. I went back to my bedside told the nurse, I needed to go to Delivery immediately and took off on feet with IV in tow. I, literally, got on the delivery table, put my feet in the stirrups and pushed the baby out before the nurses got their rubber gloves on.
As you might gather, I'm not a fan of Kaiser WLA Labor and Delivery. The Head of the Dept. apologized and said staff was distracted (not his exact words) that day because a mother lost her baby during delivery that morning. I thank God for a healthy baby and moved on.
I hesitated about writing this because I don't want to alarm or frighten you being that this is your first pregnancy however I believe knowledge is power and that outweighed my hesitation. I didn't know what to expect my first time but I have come to believe the more info, the better. Take what you want; leave the rest.
I wish you the very best and trust that you will have a healthy, happy, beautiful baby boy even through a delivery at Kaiser at WLA.
Best wishes,
Gina of LA