Do you have FIOS? There is a channel called FitTV (163)- when I was working off my baby weight I would do shows on there all the time - still do when I am stuck at home.
I get Fitness DVDs from the library recently to make sure I like them - I do like Tae Bo a lot. If you can find them Cathe Friedrich is definitely hard core. She does a lot on FitTV. And I also really like the Yoga Booty Ballet series - they mix it up and you get an all around workout for toning all over. Also Ellen Barrett has a slow-robics series that are good when getting back into things and even after.
Also, if you have a NetFlix subscription, there are a bunch of workout DVDs you can "watch instantly" on your computer. I set up my laptop so I can see easily and it gives you varied workouts.
These are all cheaper options than buying a bunch of DVDs that you eventually get bored doing! And give you a chance to find the ones you love and want to buy. BTW I think you can go to to buy DVDs from your favorite shows. Okay I just went there and they have videos you can watch and do from your computer.
One last one, has a bunch and some you can download to your iPod. And both sites also have recipes and other tips and tools. Good luck!!