I wanted to get my babyes ears pierced young and I was worried about the people at the mall doing it. I called my dr's office but they didn't do it, and didn't know anyone in the network who did. Someone suggested to me to look for a real Jewelry place, not just a pagoda in the mall. It took me awhile but I finially found a Jewelry store, with nothing but real Jewelry, and a guy who was very experienced. I'm not in your area so I am sorry I can't recommend somwhere, but I understand your worry.
The reason I didn't want to go to the mall is because I have had a ton of piercings in my ears (13 holes, but I have been pierced more then that), and the people at the mall messed up some of them. They were crooked, and uneven. So I definately didn't want that for my baby. =) Good Luck!