Looking for an Idea on a Graduation Gift

Updated on May 19, 2009
V.R. asks from Los Angeles, CA
4 answers

Hi Moms: Okay, have a dilemma. I have a friend that is an Elementary School teacher that just graduated with her Masters Degree in Education and Administration, so what do I get her???? Her husband is throwing her a party and I have not a clue as to what to give her? What do you give someone that has just accomplished this incredible feat, while working full time as a teacher, raising 3 kids and a spouse and keeping a beautiful home. What kind of gift should I be looking for??? I would appreciate all the help I can get, thanks moms!!!

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answers from San Diego on

Something that is really nice and would probably be appreciated is a name plate for her desk...you know, it is made of wood and monogrammed with her name and title. Either that or a gift certificate to the educational materials store. Or you could always offer to babysit her children so she and her husband could have 1:1 time.

Best wishes,

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answers from Los Angeles on

A spa day? or better yet... a gift certificate for teaching materials to the local school supply store. Teachers are always having to get stuff for the classroom.

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answers from Los Angeles on

I second that Jennifer, a spa day is always great!

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answers from Los Angeles on

Hi V.,

Go to www.lwoods.ordermygift.com and check out the short video and see why giving the gift of choice is the perfect gift.My husband and I have given the gift albums the last 2 parties we have attended and everyone at the party was asking where to get this gift. Check out the video and see for yourself you and your friend will love this gift.

Take care

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