Looking for a Xmas Angel to Help Us

Updated on December 14, 2006
L.O. asks from Phoenix, AZ
10 answers

Does anyone know of a program or business that helps families at Christmastime;(EX:Adopt A Family)? I have been trying to find someone or some orginazation for over a month now that can help me to get Christmas gifts for my 4 children but they are all full! There is only 28 shopping days left until Christmas,so my time is running out! Any information or advice will be greatly appreciated because I dont want my children to have to do without on Christmas morning,they deserve to have some presents.Thank You!

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answers from Phoenix on

I remember having Christmas like that when I was a kid. My family would by the smallest of thing and it was always wonderful. I cant help with a place to go but just wanted to say that little kids are happy with anything you can give. Make the day special with a family tradition and that is what they will remember

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answers from Phoenix on

Maybe a few if us little more fortunate mothers could get together and donate 5.00 each. With as many people as are on this website it should not be difficult to help. I would be happy to write a check. I hope there are more of you that are willing to help. Or maybe you all have toys that are no longer used etc that are in good shape. What are the ages of the children? I have toys to spare for the age of 1-2 yrs old.

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answers from Phoenix on

My daughter goes to school at Community Church of Joy in NW Phoenix. I know they help out a lot of people. You might want to try giving them a call. Their ph# is ###-###-####.

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answers from Phoenix on


Where are you located? And what are the ages of your children? We are in N. Phoenix and would love to help. If you happen to have a baby I have a lot of gently used baby items. Otherwise let us know the ages and your location. We would love to help your family out. We want to buy gifts not send money. So if your in AZ please let us know and maybe send a wish list to us. My email is ____@____.com.

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answers from Phoenix on

I dont have any advise on the angel thing, but working at walmart you know they have a nice selection of Kids connection toys from tools, dishes, learning activities, cars, truck, dolls, etc the toys start at about $4.88 and go up from there. I am sure your children know things are tight and would appriciate toys of any dollar amount. We have been in a tough spot before and one year my son got 3 of the $5.00 toys and that was it, he was only 1 but was happy just the same.

Have you try a church or Salvation army?
Good luck, talk to you children they should understand.

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answers from Phoenix on

Hi L.-
I was wondering if you had received any responses on your request. I may know of an organization. I tried their website and it is no longer valid. There phone was also disconnected. However, I do know some people involved with the organization, that I could call and see if they are helping families this year. (they have in the past few years) Please let me know if you have or have not gotten any help.



answers from Phoenix on

The Phoenix First Assembly of God church is having an event either this week or next week. You might want to look them up on-line or give them a call. We went to see their Chirtmas show and they talked about it. They will have food and toys for needy families.

Good luck!



answers from Phoenix on

Hi, My work, Hospice of Arizona adopts a couple of families every year. I can find out if they have selected any yet. Send me some information about yourself and your children and I will ask at my office.



answers from Phoenix on

Please send the ages and shirt and pant sizes for your children to ____@____.com include with the age whether it's a boy or a girl. Thanks.



answers from Phoenix on

PLease send me your info...


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