Long Post, sorry but I need to give you the safety information as well as the reasons for my suggestions.
I know this sounds crazy but I am a NY State Licensed Aesthetician and have been in my field since 1987. There is a magic potion that I wish I had a dime for every time I recommended it!
I would also like to say that I have always specialized in the medical aspect as I want concrete results not a promise in a jar!
I also used this when pregnant and even though I gained over 70 pounds I didn't get a single stretch mark, I leave it in my hair over night to condition it, I put in on my face and body after I shower, I even have used it on my daughter since she was three days old;
AnnaMarie's Organic Olive Oil!!!!!!!!!
It has to be this one specifically or it is not the same. It is made from olives grown on an organic farm in Portugal. The owner; AnnaMarie Cordiero, is a third generation olive farmer and either personally over sees or her spouse does the same the entire process. In general when buying products that are organic you get the best quality by getting them from countries with less money. This is because they have spent generations doing things manually instead of more expensive (everything in life costs time or money, time can't be used to buy products) to produce. Most of the farms are run by families so although it doesn't cost them anything extra for man hours pesticides are out of pocket.
The best time to buy the oil is in the fall and try to get it at a farmer's market. I say this because although sold in stores the cost is higher. It is shipped over as soon as the weather cools down. The oil cannot be exposed to extreme temperature changes so it cannot be sent when it's either too hot or cold. The other issue is supply, there are almost always more people wanting oil then there is oil so buy early.
You may be lucky enough to meet AnnaMarie herself. I have to say though she doesn't like to have the oil spoken of publicly if it's not intended for ingestion. Some of the gourmet stores do take offense. I also eat it on everything.
Although you can use the olive oil by itself, you will get better results if you combine it with essential oils.
Your daughter is very young. Always check with your doctor before adding anything to the oil. The oil itself is always safe. I also taught Aesthetics for some time which is why I have a tendency to give more details then most. Aromatherapy has been practiced for centuries. There are a few basic safety things you need to know;
-Unless you have formal training do not go outside these boundaries & if there is any type of adverse reaction call a Dr. immediately. I would personally give benedryl but am not giving medical advice. This is for informational purposes only.
-Never put any essential oil directly on the skin with a baby or child, with adults you can generally put Tea Tree or Lavender oil directly on the skin with out any problem
-Do not ingest the oils
-Do not use more then the recommended amount
-Do not use if you have asthma
-Do not mix oils together unless you have safety information on all of them & their combination, remember they still create a chemical compound
-Make sure you buy from a reputable source & do not keep the oil in the bathroom or kitchen, do not keep past recommended time period
-DO NOT EVEN HANDLE ESSENTIAL OILS IF PREGNANT UNLESS YOU ARE DIRECTED SO BY A HEALTH CARE PROFESSIONAL- DO NOT EVER BREAK THIS RULE, I thought nothing of mixing a combination of oils for a friend while pregnant, I was being careful not to touch them, At 5 months pregnant I started bleeding!!!
This is one of my recipies & have used it on my own daughter but cannot since this is only for informational purposes you agree that if you do use this you will hold me harmless from any liablity, today's society is very litigious & I don't want to be sued if someone doesn't use the exact ingredients I state and has a problem.
Mix two ounces of olive oil with 5 drops of Tea Tree Oil & 10 drops of Lavender Oil, store this in a dark glass container. Massage about a teaspoon full of the mixture into the scalp. Since you said she has a lot of hair you can always first massage the oil into her scalp then use the mixed one. You can also use this on her body but do not use more then one and a half teaspoons of the mixture you made on her in a 24 hour period. I would leave it on her scalp for about an hour, longer if your at home. I would then use very basic baby Castile Soap because they are not as alkaline as most commercial products.
I know you are using Aquaphor now but it is petroleum based. I am not obsessive, I even eat meat, but don't really like the idea of putting these products on an adult, I really don't like the idea of putting them on a baby. Remember your skin is your largest organ and it absorbs what is on it. Petroleum based products also tend to block her pores which would result in an even worse rash.
The other thing I would really recommend is make sure you bring her to a dermatologist. It is always best to have skin conditions confirmed by someone who sees skin day after day and year after year. I did an internship with a dermatologist after graduating from school and it was amazing. I got the same exposure a medical student would have. Any general doctor, whether it's a pediatrician, internal medicine, family, OB/GYN just doesn't have the same experience as a dermatologist. They don't deal with colds, or broken bones, etc., just skin. On the flip side if you ever have a procedure requiring stitches somewhere visible, make sure it's a plastic surgeon, they make much smaller stitches that don't leave scars as visible as a dermatologist.
I wish you the best of luck and please let me know how you make out. If I can help you further please feel free to email me. I am not currently practicing due to an injury so this is not an attempt to solicit business.