Looking for a Place That Takes Great Pictures...

Updated on July 31, 2006
L.W. asks from Council Grove, KS
4 answers

Hello! I'm writing to find out where you have had your childs picture taken and what you liked or didn't like about that experience. I've taken my child to a few different places, and have gotten some really cute pictures, and some photos that were just so/so. Thoughts?

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answers from Des Moines on

I have had great luck on two ocassions at Portrait Innovations near Jordan Creek Mall. (They're located in the area near Old Nazy and Bed,Bath, Beyond.) The photographer took more than 80 pictures of my two girls in a variety of poses with different props/backgrounds. They were reasonably priced, I got my pictures in less than an hour, and because of the number of pictures I order I also got a CD with every picture taken on it. I couldn't have been more pleased. I've been to Sears, Target, and Picture People, and by far, Portrait Innovations is the best.

Good luck!



answers from Des Moines on

Hi. I know this is quite a bit late. A place that takes really good pictures is Portrait Innovations. They are out by Jordan Creek Mall. You do get your pictures that same day if you are willing to wait. If you want to be really choosy, you can get by really inexpensive, about $10 on a package. But they take so many, you can end up spending a lot.



answers from Des Moines on

I would HIGHLY recommend Monahan Photographic Artist in Ankeny, IA. My two year old had portraits taken at 2 wks, 3 months, 6 months, 9 months, 12 months, and will have his 2 year old pictures taken there in a couple of weeks. I love their work!! They have also done Christmas cards for me! Good Luck. ###-###-#### and be sure to ask what clothing they recommend for the photo shoot.



answers from Des Moines on

I personnally have had good luck with sears portrait studio, I really like there pictures. My sister-in-law had my neices taken at Valley West Mall at the studio that is by the food court not sure what the name of it is but they can sketch your message or your child't name on the photo. Hope this helps. If you like Partylight candles or mary kay let me know also. Thanks, M.

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