Looking for a New Doc - Chicago,IL

Updated on August 16, 2006
K.W. asks from Chicago, IL
4 answers

can anyone recommend an ob-gyn from downtown or near south side?

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answers from Tampa on

Hey K., I live on the south side and go to women health consultants. They are right across from Rush Hospital. I don't know if that is too far for you but the doctors are wondering and as a plus they specilize in high risk pregnancies.

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answers from Chicago on

My husband & I really like my doctor. It was the first male that I had ever gone to but he is my primary care dr's OB/GYN dr. So, needless to say I trusted her referral! He is a part of the Northwestern Women's Group. There are a total of 4 or 5 doctors in the practice.

Dr. Marc Feldstein
680 North Lakeshore Drive

Good Luck!

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answers from Chicago on

Hello K.,

I don't know of any doctor near you I would recommend to anyone. When I went to my first appt last year it was at Northwestern Physicians Group. I did not have a pleasant experience with them. They were rushed and gave me the feeling I was taking up their valuable time. The nurses weren't friendly and 7 months later I am still getting bills from them. But, if you want a more medicalized birth they do have state of the art equipment and all the drugs you could ever hope for. So, we ended up at West Suburban Midwives Association in Oak Park. The commute was worth it! They are 3 fabulous women and are for those that want a more natural birth experience. Their office is right off of the Green Line (if you need to take CTA). They are affiliated with West Suburban Medical Center in Oak Park. Hope this helps and good luck.




answers from Chicago on

Hi K.. I go to a great OB/Gyne office located downtown in the Loop. The name of the group is Northwestern Memorial Physicians Group (NMPG). I see Dr. Ann Starr. There are 7 doctors in the group and they are all fantastic. They also have 5 really great midwives. I gave birth to my son using one of their midwives. Her name is Jennifer Lynch. I've met all of the midwives in the group and loved them all. The office is very kid friendly. You will see a lot of moms bringning their babies/toddlers with them to their appointments. The location of the office is 680 Lakeshore Drive suite #810. The office phone number is ###-###-#### .

Located in the same building is a great pediatrician's office. The office was started by Dr. Marc Weissbluth - the famous sleep specialist who wrote the book, "Healthy Sleep Habits, Healthy Child". We like Dr. Daphne Hirsch at that office. It is in the same building as Dr. Starr but has a different address because the entrance to their office is on Superior street instead of Lakeshore Drive (there are 4 entrances to the building). Their address is: 303 East Superior Street

You can find out more information about NMPG at this web address:

You can also find out more info about Dr. Starr at this web address:

Hope this helps.

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