There is a Mommy and Me Lactation Store within Shawnee Mission Medical Center. They are a great place to start.
My 3rd son is one month old and is breast feeding. My first 2 boys didn't so this is my first experience. We are having some trouble and I am getting a little frusterated. I really want to keep doing this but think I need some help. I am looking for someone practical. Meaning, help me with what I have to work with. We give him bottles in the night so we can get some sleep (breast feeding can go on forever) and I have 2 other kids (2 and 3 1/2) to take care of and some things just aren't realistic for me. I don't want someone who is going to tell me to stop the bottle all together or to do something that isn't practical to do with other kids to care for. Anyway, just looking for some help. I need someone who can come to me as it would be hard to go somewhere with the other kids. Also, does anyone know how much these services can cost?
There is a Mommy and Me Lactation Store within Shawnee Mission Medical Center. They are a great place to start.
Hi A.. I am an accredited La Leche League Leader and have several contacts in the area that are fabulous and DON'T CHARGE!! Let me know if you'd like some referrals!
C. Tai
I don't have a recommemdation for a consultant because most of the ones I have dealt with I affectionately termed the breastfeeding Nazi's!! I do however have a recommendation for how to deal with the time situation. Since I am a full time working mom I had to purchase a breast pump for those times at work that I need to relieve the pressure and so that I would have enough to supply my daughter throughout the day. They are expensive but OH SO worth it. I got the double electric and could easily pump for about 15-20 minutes, both sides at once and get between 8-10 OZ of milk. I would simply put the milk in bottles in the fridge, where they will keep for 8-10 days or something, then when she would need a bottle it was simply a matter of warming it up in a cup of hot water. The baby drinks from the bottle quicker and you can actually see how much she/he is getting, which always worried me when I tried the traditional method. I am expecting another baby in April and have already decided that I will pump and feed breast milk through the bottle because it is so much easier. I am prepared to fight the Brestfeeding Nazi's who claim I will not have the bonding experience that goes w/ traditional breastfeeding. The baby will be getting all the health benefits of breast milk while I will not get stressed out. It is a win win for both of us. Plus Dad gets to help more this way too. Hope this helps some.
La Leche' were great at helping me with my breast feeding problems. If you can't come to them, they will send you info through the mail. They were very supportive of bottles too, as long as they had breast milk in them.
Best Wishes!!
Hi A.. I know of a lactation specialist in downtown O.P. She has a business called the "Nursing Station". Her name is Jill Morsebach, and she has 2 young children of her own. I'm sure she would be of much assistance! Hope this helps!