Looking for a Great Pediatric Group or Pediatrician in Parker/South Denver

Updated on July 06, 2009
B.S. asks from Parker, CO
12 answers

My family is moving to Parker at the end of this month and we are searching for a Pediatrician for our 3 children. I don't have a male or female preferance, just a doctor who is really good with children, knows their stuff, and is willing to listen to any questions that I may have. We are moving right when my second child turns 3 and our current Pediatrician suggested we use this well baby check up to get to know our "new" Ped. So, I need to get an appointment scheduled right away. If you or anyone you know has a Ped that they love, please pass on their info! Thanks!

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answers from Denver on

I would highly recommend Southeast Denver Pediatrics located on Lincoln near the Wildlife Experience. Dr. Lisa Schwartz is awesome with kids and they have several other doctors in the practice that I also like, but she is my favorite. ###-###-####. Hope this helps.

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answers from Denver on

Parker Pediatrics is WONDERFUL!!!!!!!!



answers from Denver on

I interviewed most of the pediatrician's listed here and liked most of them but we choose and love Advanced Pediatrics. All the Dr's we have seen have been great. You can choose to see the same Dr or who ever is available. We love the Parker office at the Hospital but have also been to the South Aurora office near Southlands mall. We usually see Dr. Jill Kramer and really like her. Good luck in your search!



answers from Denver on

http://www.advancedpediatricassociates.com/ They are fantastic, I have used them for all 3 of my kids and seen many of the doctors over the years and have loved them all. They are open saturdays which is great and I have always been able to get my kids in when they are sick. I have reccomended them to many people and they have all loved them.



answers from Denver on

We go to Parker Pediatric. Its staff has always been really nice when we've gone in sick. For our main doctor we request Dr. Rabinowitz. I dont know if its common, but they also offer up an email update, which we love. Best of wishes and welcome to Parker.



answers from Denver on

Pediatrics 5280 (I think) is the group name -- specifically, we looooove Dr. Martha Middlemist. They are off Yosemite between Dry Creek and County Line. ###-###-####. Separate sick & well waiting rooms, all the staff & docs are really nice, Dr. Middlemist talks to both parents (not just Mommy), no stupid questions, etc...



answers from Denver on

We really like the doctors at Southeast Denver Pediatrics. They're located just west of the Wildlife Experience. Our kids usually see Sharon Sagel or Jeremy Erdley but we have been happy with all of the the doctors there.




answers from Denver on

CrownPoint Pediatrics is located at E-470 and Parker near the Parker Adventist Hospital. We have been using them for 10 years. Dr. David Roos is awesome. Dr. Jason Kalan is his new partner since the other doc retired, but we saw him for the well-checks this summer and liked him very much too. Much of the nursing and office staff have been with them for years and years. They have separate sick and well child waiting areas.
Crown Point Pediatrics
9235 Crown Crest Blvd
Parker, CO 80138



answers from Denver on

Greenwood Pediatrics! We LOVE them, and they have several offices if needed - one in Parker, of course. www.greenwoodpediatrics.com



answers from Denver on

Hi B.,
I just switched to Partner's in Pediatrics on Lincoln/I25. They were so friendly, separate wainting rooms for healthy kids and sick kids. They repected my decision to wait on vaccinations. The were so good with my son making him feel comfortable.



answers from Denver on

Partners in Pediatrics is great. Not a bunch of drug pushing doctors. Do some holistic things as well. Lincoln and I-25. I still drive up for the annual checkups - I live in Castle Rock.



answers from Denver on

I take my daughter to Southeast Denver Pediatrics near the Wildlife Center off of Lincoln. Doctors and staff are great, including the nurses who take calls all day. This group was recommended by two friends and I interviewed them before my daughter was born. Couldn't be happier.

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