Looking for a Good Safe Place for My Family to Take Nature Walks

Updated on January 19, 2009
D.M. asks from Houston, TX
5 answers

I would love to take my family for walks on nature trails, but I have no idea of where to start on finding a safe, fun place to go. I have tried to search online, but what I'm finding doesn't really tell me much about the facilities or if places are safe, etc. We live in NW Houston near 1960 & Jones. I realize we will have to take a nice drive to get to most places, which is fine.

If anyone has experience / ideas I would appreciate it. THANKS!

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answers from Houston on

Mercer Arboretum is east of I-45 off of 1960. It is full of trails and gardens with plenty to leek at for kids and adults.

Lake Houston Park is off of 59 and has lots of nice, wide sandy trails...also plenty of shallow water for wading.

Here is the link for the Texas State Parks systems. You can search by region and find something close to you. You are going to have to drive for just about whereever you choose, but we have some great parks.



answers from Houston on

Please include where you are located......it says Houston....but, that could be ANYWHERE!!! Any two people located in "Houston" could still be many miles apart.

Margaret :)



answers from Houston on

I think with a 4 yr old, anywhere is a good place for a nature walk. Even your own back yard. They love exploring things at that age. Just make a game out of it if space is limited. go on a hunt for a birds nest, or do a leaf hunt. Kids are awesome! Enjoy each moment!!

moms helping moms work from home:)



answers from Houston on

Burroughs Park in Tomball is a good place. I have a 13 year old...and she still loves having birthday parties their because the kids all love the trails.



answers from San Antonio on

Hi D.
Our family has gone to Lost Maples State Natural Park a couple of times. Great hiking. Although around the end of Oct. or beg. of November is better because the leaves are changing, its still a great hike any other time. Its in Vanderpool Texas.(37221 FM 187) (78885) The phone # is ###-###-####. Maybe they can send you a brochure. I know I have looked at it on line. You can make reservations but it is not necessary. One of my brochures has this addy on it.... www.tpwd.state.tx.us
Good luck.....

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