Looking for a Good Cafe Con Leche

Updated on April 07, 2008
E.V. asks from Tampa, FL
5 answers

Anybody have a favorite place to get a cafe con leche?

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answers from Tampa on

If you go down to West Tampa, around Columbus and Armenia, there are several great options already mentioned in another post. The diner side of La Teresita and La Florida Bakery on Columbus are my personal favorites. Up here on this side of town, try the International Bakery on Van Dyke near the Veterans Express. It just opened and is run by the original owners of La Florida Bakery. They have a great cafe con leche and you can have a pastillito de carne or guava with it!



answers from Tampa on

E., when I need a Cafe Con Leche fix, I go to Boliche Boulevard otherwise known as COLUMBUS DRIVE. There are several good places, but chances are La Teresita (3204 W. Columbus Drive) and Lincoln Restaurant (3247 W. Columbia Drive) are most popular. There is also Valencia Garden just East of downtown on Kennedy Blvd. The West Tampa sandwich shop also is popular, and it is on Armenia Ave between Columbus and Tampa Bay Blvd at 3904 N. Armenia Ave. However, if you want to go UPSCALE, The Columbia Restaurant is on 7th Ave in Ybor City, and you can add an expensive dinner and Flamingo dancers. CHEAP is La Teresita and West Tampa Sandwich Shop (both serve Cuban cuisine also). EXPENSIVE is Valencia Garden and Columbia Restaurant.



answers from Tampa on

La Septima has some really good cafe con leche. Also, Latin Delights on Bell Shoals does too.



answers from Tampa on

if you are ever in brandon - the latin cafe off bloomingdale and bell shoals has good cuban cafe con leche amongst lots of other cuban goodies.



answers from Tampa on

I'm a cafe con leche lover. and I'm not Spanish but i know that Spanish place that serves it and so far besides of Miami i've never have such a good one in Tampa. it is what i call true cofe con leche and not cappuccino or anything that they serve at dunkin dunnet or starbucks. it's located on hillsborough ave by the oposite side of FMU the university not in front of the post office but not too far from it. i don't know the exact address neither their name but if i drop by i promise to check it our for you.

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