Looking for a Chiropractor in Wentzville/ O'fallon Area

Updated on November 13, 2008
N.A. asks from Lake Saint Louis, MO
10 answers

I have been having terrible neck pain the last 2 weeks, the pain eventually leads to a blinding headache, worse than any migraine I have ever had. I haven't pulled anything, and can't figure out the cause of the pain. None of the pain medication I have tried, including my rx migraine meds and rx pain meds are touching it. If anyone knows of a good chiropractor in the Wentzville or O'Fallon area (anywhere near here) I would love to read your referals.

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answers from St. Louis on

Dr. Terrigino in OFallon MO is a great chiro. He treated me after my accident and I continue to go to him. I quit another chiro to go to see him.

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answers from St. Louis on

Dr. Tamara Nobbe,,,,,she is in O'Fallon right on main street. My husband went there and she was terrific.



answers from St. Louis on

I highly recommend Dr. Gary Ditson in old town Wentzville. He is a wonderful doctor that helped me greatly after a car accident. I had headaches daily for 8 months and after seeing him for 3 weeks they were almost completely gone.
I haven't been to see him in along time due to my work schedule so I don't know if he is taking new patients but it is worth a try to call. Best Wishes



answers from St. Louis on

I personally go to the Chiropractic Wellness Connection on Hwy K in O'Fallon. They are more of a family than an office, and they have a nutrionist (female...whom I believe does acupunture also), a maternity/pediatric doc (female), as well as two other specialists (both male) who I think are all awesome. I had to sleep with a hot rice bag (heating pad) for over 3 years after my son was born my back pain was so bad. One adjustment from them, and I haven't used one since. I was going 2-3 times a week for awhile to get my back into shape again, and now that I'm 6 months pregnant, I'm back in there every couple of weeks. My two children go there when needed, and we'll be taking the new baby there when he arrives, too. Everytime my daughter esp is adjusted I see an immediate positive change in attitude from her. I highly recommend them. From the moment you walk in the door and are greeted to the kids' play room, the seminars they host, the mediation classes, mom's group, etc..., they are the best!



answers from St. Louis on

Dr. Conner off of Hwy K is a wonderful chiropractor (my husband calls him a miracle doctor). And I know he is going to be at the Renaud Center (also off Hwy K) TONIGHT, Feb. 26th @ 7:00pm for free consultations (I just saw the sign on Sat. when I was there working out). I believe his first office exam is free too. If you go, tell him M. & Robert Day sent you!
Best of luck with your neck - if anyone can fix you up, he can!
Let me know how it goes....
M. Day
Heaven Born Founder

Dr. Craig Conner
Georgia Chiropractic
2705 Highway K
O Fallon, MO 63368



answers from St. Louis on

I've gone to Dr. Fridley in Wentzville (she's located in the same plaza as Blockbuster off the Parkway) and had great results. She's very good!



answers from St. Louis on

Hi Nikki, I've started going to Synergy Chiropractic in Wentzville about 10 weeks ago. There are 3 excellent doctors so any one of them would be great. I've been getting some great results and they have a lot of new technology there. It's located right off West Meyer in a strip mall on the right. Just take the parkway, past Walmart, Lowes and Target until you get to the light at West Meyer. You can only turn one way there. They are awesome people. Tell them P. Hickman sent you. They know everybody by name!! Here's their phone# ###-###-####
Good Luck!



answers from St. Louis on

Nikki I have referred several friends to this lady. She is dynamite. I woke up one Saturday morning and literally could not straighten up to walk. I called her, having never personally visited her before and she came in on a Saturday just to treat me.

Dr. Tony Puzzo is her name. ###-###-####

Get well soon!



answers from St. Louis on

Dr. Brower - Wentzville Chiropractic Care ###-###-####

She is a God send, she has helped me & my children!

I went to others before her & they just kept me coming back & if anything I got worse.

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