There are several types of life insurance: Cash value types and term. The MOST IMPORTANT thing to do is to get the amount of coverage you qualify for. At your age, it'll be about 15x your annual income, because the idea is that the money would be invested so that it would produce a return that would be equal to your income.
Cash value insurance (Whole Life, Variable, etc.) are double-duty policies. They are significantly more expensive because there is NO time limit to them. As long as you can pay for them, you will have the insurance until you die, even if that day is 65 years from now. There is an investment piece built into the structure of the policy which builds "cash value" in the policy - part is your payments, part is dividends from the company's investments. Some policies allow you to borrow this money, which can be helpful in case of family emergencies, etc. Some have payment plans where you can pay for 10 or 20 years and then never pay again, but the insurance stays in place till you die. These types of insurance tend to augment retirement because you can actually SPEND your investments, retirement funds, etc. and then leave the insurance money to the kids - it makes retirement money go farther. But again, it is 5-10 times more than Term.
Term insurance is inexpensive, because you only have it for a "term" of time - usually 20-30 years, and then it is gone. MOST people DON'T die young, but enough do that insurance is a must-have for the sake of your family. (One of my best friends' husband died when their son was 3. He had NO insurance and if it weren't for close family, thier life would have been SUPER hard.)
The best thing you can do is get the MAXIMUM amount of insurance you can - you CANNOT be overinsured. If your budget only allows term at this point in your life, go with a strong company (Mass Mutual, MetLife, etc.) and ask if their term insurance can be converted to Cash Value at a later time. If your budget can afford a mix of term and cash value - GREAT. If you can get all Cash Value - fantastic. But the AMOUNT of coverage is most important when you have the kiddos. There is no reason to buy only cash value if it will only get you 100K of coverage, when term will get you 1million.
Your planning professional should help you understand, but you may have to ask. And if they don't answer your questions, private message me and I'll see if I can get you a referral in your area to someone who will.