I recently had a big problem with my upper back (major muscle spasm), to the point where it hurt to sleep, sit up, turn my head, you name it. I went to the chiro twice to no avail. Finally I went to the emergency room. They gave me muscle relaxers and 800mg Ibuprofen and told me that I should have applied ICE immediately, not heat (like you, I felt like heat would help... but no, apparently that just makes it worse). They told me to lay off of physical activity until I felt better, in order to give the muscles time to recover. For me, it took about a week to feel totally better, and I have been fine ever since. If the root cause of your problem is a muscle spasm, going to the chiro may not work - s/he will get you back in alignment, but the muscle spasm will pull you right back out of alignment again in a hurry. Basically, you have to get the muscle to relax and the swelling to go down in order to feel better (in my experience, anyway). Feel better soon!!