My family but me hates left overs, so what I make needs to be just right otherwise I will be eating tons for the next week. This is how I do it that I found that works really good. On the day I get groceries I buy the items in bulk. Its cheaper in the long run that way. I also pick up some ziplock freezer bags and some freezer packing wrap at the butchers. Say with ground beef I separate the amount into 1.5 lb in each ziplock bag, works great for lunch meat too, just in smaller sizes... for roast, I ask the butcher at the store to cut it into smaller portions and have them wrap it in their brown freezer packing wrap. Date them on their packages with a jiffy marker when they went into the freezer. Then stick everything in the freezer until needed. But say you have a couple extra chicken breasts that you had cooked up and have for left overs.... the next day I would use them in a salad to take to work... say something like chicken pasta salad, or chicken salad sandwiches, or making a Grilled chicken caesar salad. Its healthy and simple to make the night before or in the morning for work. Then you dont have a lot of left overs at all to worry about that might attack you if left alone in the fridge too long.