We got the Leapster 2 when my boy was almost 4, he is now 6. The Leapster Explorer is the latest version. They use different game cartridges. The Leapster2 and LeapsterMax use the same cartridges so you can play LeapsterMax cartridges on Leapster2. You can find used cartridges on Ebay etc for cheaper. The Leapster has been invaluable in reinforcing maths, reading and spelling for our son. He was way ahead of his age group. He is now 6, and has outgrown the games somewhat. In saying that, I just got an Ipod Touch which is a big hit - with a similar experience as Jami G who was very informative. I do think an Ipad/Ipod Touch is great but it's easier for them to inadvertantly push the screen or home button and then you have to get it back to where they were - just a personal opinion, I guess they would learn over time. I do want an Ipad though. I think at 3 you want them to be able to maneuver around things themselves and Leapsters are great. The stylus (pen) is a good feature for them to gain more co-ordination. It is rugged. Thumbs up for Leapfrog full stop.