I promise it WILL get easier if you just stick with it! My son is nine months old and he can empty both breasts in ten minutes flat. I remember it was tricky in the beginning to get on a three-ish hour schedule. I agree with a lot of what Carrie F said. I would feed my son at 6am, 9, 12, 3, 6, 9, 12 and in the very beginning, 3am. After a while, he would sleep right through the 3am feeding, then he didn't need that midnight feeding anymore and eventually he would sleep from 9pm until 9am. In my experience, if I fed my baby less than three hours after the (beginning of) previous feeding he wouldn't be hungry enough to get a full feeding - this would be called snacking. If he didn't get a full feeding he would be hungry again before the next scheduled feeding time. Also, once you and your baby get used to your schedule (what ever schedule works best for you) your body and your baby's body will expect that to be feeding time - your breasts will be full and may start to let down and your baby will be ready to eat at that time. In the meantime, find a comfy "nursing place" where you can relax. Have your boppy and a blanket ready, books or magazines if you can multi-task and something to drink - because you'll be spending a lot of time nursing for the next few months until you both become pros! One day you will realized that somewhere along the line this because easy for both of you and you will be so happy that you stuck with it!