Haha I have this problem with my own mother! If she comes over at the same time as a group of friends or family, she is always the last to leave. And it's not like she stays to help clean up--she usually just chats me up while I'm doing the cleaning. And then, she'll sit down on my couch and fall asleep! AARRGHh! I have learned to just tell her (and I'm probably blunt about it) that it's time to go. I've also come to realize that if I don't tell her, then I'm partly to blame for her over-staying. What used to happen is I wouldn't really say anything other than general comments like, "Boy, I'm tired" and hope she would get the hint. But she wouldn't, and I'm worse than a kid about getting cranky when I'm tired, so by the time she finally left I would be in a bad mood and irritable with everyone. I finally decided that for my own sanity, and so no one else would have to put up with my bad mood, I just had to start telling her it's time to leave.