My children get a "payday" each Saturday. It's for being a good student (not their grades, per se; they don't get grades. It's just for doing the best they can at school). I started when they were 5.
They each get 5.00. They immediately have to give 2.00 back to me - 10% for church, 10% for charity of their choice, 10% for college, 10% for short term savings.
So they take their 50 cents to church each Sunday, they save the money for charity until they find something they want to give it to (it usually ends up being an animal charity), the college money gets saved until there is enough to make a deposit into their savings account at the bank, and the short term savings is for more expensive things they want to buy and don't want to have to wait until their birthday or Christmas (like their spy toys).
I have never associated chores with money. They are a member of this family, and are responsible for the their share of keeping the household running smoothly (well, that's the idea, anyway - this household never runs smoothly!)