hi G.! congratulations on your upcoming birth!
listen, here is my exp w second birth; i did natural delivery in a birthing pool w both my kids so i had very little pain anyway. the truth is that hospital births are much more painful, because of the aggressive drugs they give and because of the anxiety of the hospital setting; being in a hospital makes you scared and feel like you're sick, so you feel worse.
there are three great books i would really reccommend to you; FIRST and most important would be Erica Lyon's Big Book Of Birth, it's all about pain. you can get it on Amaazon; she is the director of the Realbirth education center in Manhattan; if there's any way you can take a seminar w her on getting ready i would really reccommend it.
secondly if you have time, a more journalistic book about labor is called Pushed by Jennifer something, can't remember it right now, but you can put that in on amazon and it will come right up. and the last book, if you really want to freak yourself out about how dangerous and messed up the medicalized birth scene is in the US, read Born In The USA; Fixing A Broken Maternity System.
but Erica's book is really fantastic and will help you get ready. if there's any way you can consider a natural birth with and experienced midwife, i would urge you to do so. if you want information on my midwife that i went to, email me directly at ____@____.com or send me a message here. i had 6 hours of labor, pushed for 14 minutes both times, and had no tearing, no nothing; i nursed immediately and was running around ten minutes later. it is the best, safest, most painless way.
let's be real; there IS PAIN IN CHILDBIRTH. but our bodies were set up to do this and we have our own pain management mechanisms if we let our bodies do thier jobs. this doesn't mean you go into a medical birth with no pain meds and think it's no big deal; it entails preparation and training like running a marathon. if you want to talk more get in touch with me.
good luck!