I like Leap Frog's "Letter Factory" too. My 5-year-old was trying to teach his 3-year-old sister to sound out words and I told him she needed to know her letter sounds first. She grabbed my sleeve to get my attention and then proceeded to go through the entire alphabet telling me the sounds each letter makes. (She only missed two.) A week later, she announced she was ready to learn to read. 10 months later, she has gone through both the Kindergarten level and first-grade level of "Hooked on Phonics." Which brings me to my other point -- "Hooked on Phonics" is GREAT for teaching reading skills. The Kindergarten level is as basic as you need it to be -- you can start with teaching your child letters or letter sounds or how to put them together to make words. You can repeat lessons until your child has the concept down and is ready to move on. Good luck!