
Updated on April 15, 2008
N.M. asks from Lake in the Hills, IL
4 answers

any one have any information/opinions on the kindercare on acorn ln in lith? i am considering taking my daughter there.

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So What Happened?

i have decided to enroll her at the kindercare one day a week to have her interact with kids her own age and see how she likes it and adjusts to it. everyone at the facility seems to be so nice and helpful and after her first day she already loves her teachers.

More Answers



answers from Chicago on

i used a different kindercare and w/o long story i will never use them again and quit my job to stay home w/my boy.



answers from Chicago on

I will open with I have a biased opinion because I own and operate my own home daycare. Naturally, I feel the quality of care in a licensed home is higher. However, my first son did attend a Kindercare before, for about a year, and you can find some good caregivers at centers like that, but you may also find young and unexperienced providers who are not really there for the long run. Perhaps sit in with them for the day to see if you like the caregiver(s) on staff that would be watching your daughter. That is truly what well the caregivers are invested in the comfort and stimulation of your child.



answers from Chicago on

Hi N.!

I really like the KinderCare in Lake In The Hills. Both of my kids attend this preschool. My son (5yrs old) has been there for 2yrs now and my daughter (3 1/2yrs) just started last fall.

The ladies in the office are really nice and is to work with. I like both Miss Stephanie in the 3's & 4's (1/2 day) and Miss Lucy in the preK.

If you'd like some more info or want to chat about, please shoot me an email @

Thanks & good luck!



answers from Chicago on

I am planning to enroll my son there for preschool in the fall. I was very pleased to learn that their management and staff for this program are the same as when my daughter was there 4 years ago. We had a wonderful experience then! I had her there part-time and they were flexible with me on that. I could add a day almost every time I needed to or even just a half day. I really did love their program.

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