Kids Cloths Labels

Updated on June 26, 2010
J.H. asks from McKinney, TX
12 answers

Hello Mamas. I am looking for some good labels for my babies clothes for day care. I purchased some of and they come off in the washing machine. Any good suggestions?

I used a sharpie first but it smeared. I will try the rub a dub sharpie. To clarify, I am looking fo stickers to put on his clothes and bibs and such to mark as his in school.

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answers from Dallas on

Did you try a laundry pen or just a Sharpie?

Love Stuck on You. They are awesome and don't come off!

More Answers



answers from Dallas on

I just got a set of Mable's Labels for my kiddos. I LOVE them. the taggies (I think that is what they are called) are stick on, not iron on and go on the tags of children's clothes, but I have actually stuck them right on the t-shrit and they haven't come off. I was a bit worried, but they are a dream. You can also buy a "package" shoe tags, clothes tags and stuff tags (cups, bottles, sunscreen, etc) and two name badges to hook on to diaper bag or bottle cooler. I cannot tell you how much I love these tags! They also let you choose little pictures to personalize a bit, if you want.



answers from Dallas on

I used Lovable Labels, they work great.

They have all sorts of labels for labeling your child's belongings. They come in cute colors and styles. I use the press and stick clothing dots and their multipurpose sticker labels for the girls belongings.

Good luck!



answers from Dallas on

I also used Mabel's Labels. When I used them, they were iron ons & they never peeled up! I also used the labels, which are stick on, for the bowls, bottles, sippy cups, etc. My oldest is 6 1/2 & the labels with his name on them are still on the bowls despite 6 1/2 years of being put through the dishwasher!



answers from Minneapolis on

I haven't had much luck with labels over the years :( So, I just started marking right on the clothing with an indelible fabric marker (is that what they are called?). Much cheaper than the labels and lasts alot longer.

Good luck!



answers from Dallas on

I like the labels from "Stuck on You". ( I like how the labels stick on the garment and make it easier to iron on. I have used Label Your Stuff but like Stuck on You better.



answers from Dallas on

Try just sewing a small color of thread inside the collar of the clothing. It would be a different and unique way to label at the least.



answers from Dallas on

I love Stuck On You labels. They have tons to choose from on their website.



answers from Dallas on

I really like Mabel's Labels. I've used them on my son's things for 2 years, and have only had 1 come off. They're good in the dishwasher and microwave too.
If you go to, you might be able to get a discount. I did.



answers from Honolulu on

All you have to do it, get a Sharpie marker, it is called "Sharpie Rub-A-Dub Laundry Marker."
You then just write your child's name ON the garment.
It does not come off in the laundry when washed.

Buying "labels" for clothing is a waste of money... just use the Sharpie pen.
It works.
On any clothing.
It is permanent.

This is what it looks like:

all the best,



answers from Tyler on

I use "Label Your Stuff" - they are online and iron in. Seem to stay on fairly well. Every once in a while, I find one in the washing machine.




answers from Los Angeles on

Can you clarify? Im a bit confused...

Are you looking for good clothing brands? Or actual labels that you sew onto your kids items with their name on it?

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