Kids Camera

Updated on July 01, 2010
A.S. asks from Hobbs, NM
12 answers

Hello moms! My sons 2nd birthday is coming up and he loves cameras. So i was really wanting to get him a cjilds digital camera. I have looked around a little online and have found a few but they don't have very good reviews. They seem to be a little on the pricey side so I want to be sure to get the most for my money. Do any of you have any suggestions on what to stay away from or which is the best. Thanks in advance for all the help!!

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answers from San Antonio on

He's 2. Let him pretend anything is a camera, save the money, and get him digital camera when he is 5 and more responsible with toys, electronics, etc....

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answers from Houston on

Since he will only be turning 2, maybe you should just buy him a disposable camera until he is older.

1 mom found this helpful


answers from Houston on

We have two Fisher-Price Kid Tough cameras at our house. Our son got his when he was 4, and our daughter got hers when she was 3 (jealousy over her brother's camera). The photos sometimes don't appear to be the best quality when you preview them on the camera itself, but they look much better when you have them printed. (We get the 19 cent prints at Walgreens.) My son has taken some amazing photos on his camera; sometimes his have turned out better than ours, and we have a pricey camera! The Fisher-Price Kid Tough cameras take a beating and are even water resistant. My son is now 8-1/2 and still loves using his camera all the time.


answers from Austin on

I gave my daughter a Disney Pix Winnie Pooh digital camera (although its compatible with Microsoft/Windows operating systems/computers, and not with Apple). It works well... Pretty good resolution on the screen. It cost about $40. However, as a young 3 yo, she spontaneously threw it in the kiddie pool last summer and ruined it. I bought her a second one 8 months later (before we went on a trip) and she's been much more mature about taking care of it. (So, keep in mind that, at age 2, your son may not truly understand how to take take of a camera--and for that reason, I wouldn't spend too much his first camera... You might want to get a slightly more expensive one when he is 4.)

This is the one we got:



answers from Houston on

We gave our son the Vtech one that has games & frames he can put on the photos. If I remember right, my hubby said that one had the most memory too (he's the one into gadgets whereas I don't have a clue).

My son loves it! And it saves our camera from his experiments. =o)



answers from Dallas on

We have a fisher price Kid Tough camera for our son when he was almost 3. He is 4 1/2 now and still uses the camera regularly. The picture quality is on par with a cell phone, but I think it's the "experience" for him rather than the quality of the pictures. This camera has survived being dropped countless times and it even fell in a full bath tub. Still works great!



answers from Austin on

My kids have the fisher price toddler tough one and everyone loves it! I know the reviews aren't good. But I'm not going to blow up these pictures to a 11x16 so what do I care! The pictures are fun, the battery life is good and it is so far indestructible. Big fan!



answers from Saginaw on

My daughter was given a Sakar 27290 Disital Camera (sold at Toys R Us) and it is a total piece of junk! It stores three very blurry pictures at a time and that is it. Don't buy this brand at all.



answers from Lakeland on

We gave my daughter the Fisher Price Kid Tough camera for her 2nd or 3rd. She uses it quite frequently - and loves it. There is no focus - but at this age that would be too much anyway. It has survived quite a bit of "kid life", and the picture quality is ok. She loves that it is pink, and holds kind of like binoculars - with 2 eye pieces - so it's easy for her to use. Good luck!



answers from Killeen on

My daughter is a camera fanatic and wants one for her birthday - so - after much research we have decided that the best one for the money is the KIDIzoom Camera by Vtech -
It has games, software and a larger screen and storage.....

I hope this helps you out!
Good luck with your selection!



answers from Odessa on

We bought a kids camera for a daughter's 2nd birthday. Honestly don't spend them money. Sure the camera is cute and tough but she was more happy using our old point and shoot digital camera than the kid friendly one. The picture quality on the kids camera is horrible. I never had the battery issues with the kids camera that other people have had. But if I were to do it over again I would have just bought her an inexpensive point and shoot made for adults.


answers from Richmond on

I love the discovery kids digital camera... it is cheaper than the fisher price one and after trying both, we actually bought a SECOND discovery kids camera so each of my older kids can use them. The girls are super responsible with it, but 'graceful' me managed to drop not one but BOTH down a flight of stairs... and they survived :)

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