Hey H.,
Well my son is home from school today too.
Last night, he had diarrhea.... and woke up this morning just not feeling well and is lethargic and has general malaise.
So I am keeping him home. Plus he is not the type to "fake" it.
He is only 6.
I almost was going to send him to school... he does not have diarrhea today. Or yet. But has general malaise today this morning.
I am sure he would have been a trooper, if I did send him to school today... but I kept him home. He'd probably end up going to the health room anyway, not feeling well, and they would have called me.
So my thought was, I will just keep him home today.
They have a substitute today anyway, and I know what his homework is already.
Again, my son's symptoms are "mild." But he is generally not himself.... very lethargic too, and who knows if his diarrhea will occur again, since last night. He also has no appetite this morning. So just keeping him hydrated in a reasonable manner.
Fortunately, I did not have to work today at the school. So I can keep him home. If I did work today however, and he was sick, I would have called in sick. BUT, there have been times when he was sick (runny nose/sneezing, no fever) and I did send him to school, because I had to work. But at those times, he still was his normal self and energetic, not dragging around.