Kalahari vs Great Wolf Lodge?

Updated on May 27, 2014
L.O. asks from Sterling Heights, MI
5 answers

We are planning a trip with our 7 and 8 year olds.. I am thinking of one of these water parks.. is one better than the other or are they about the same.. we will be visiting the ohio locations..

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answers from Kansas City on

I have never heard of Kalahari so I just googled it…it looks awesome and I totally want to go there!! :)

We have been to GWL and we love it! Our kids are 4 and 6 and we've been going for a few years. The slides are fun, there is a lot to do, but that Kalahari looks really cool too. It appears to have more slides which a 7 and 8 y/o would probably enjoy. If they are otherwise equal, I might try that one, but either way I'm sure you're going to love it! I find that staying in those types of places are really fun and make the trip exciting without having to go anywhere extra!

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answers from Oklahoma City on

When we were going to visit Branson I had a friend of mine go to the 2 different hotels that have water parks in them. I just couldn't tell which was best by looking at "their" pictures. They show the best and make it look so much more than they are.

I was so surprised at the difference between the 2 hotels. It was like night and day. One had a lazy river, 2 shiny slides, and a shallow pool area with a few kiddo toys in the water. The other hotel had a tower, a basketball pool, a slide from a high area, and more more more. It also had other perks for the families that stay there.

There was no contest between the 2 places. One thing is don't look at the pictures as if they tell a complete picture. Go to youtube and search for videos of the places, look at what's behind the person or item they're showing. Check out what's in the background. You'll see what else they have to offer, the space between the towers or slides or pools.

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answers from Appleton on

Kalahari hands down!



answers from Kansas City on

We went to the GWL in Ohio last month. It was awesome!!! We have also been to the GWL in Kansas City and Charlotte and thought the OH one was the best of the three. I don't know anything about Kalahari.



answers from Beaumont on

For that age I would recommend Kalahari! It's geared toward younger ones.

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