Just Small Talk....

Updated on June 04, 2011
L.M. asks from Overland Park, KS
17 answers

anyone getting sick of the over use of the word "LIKE" these days? LOL! I have a freelance design business and from time to time I get letters from I guess students, looking for work. A few times in their emails to me, they write the way they would talk to their class mates. At first I found it funny, then, the more letters I get and the more I see Facebook status's I just want to scream! it's getting ridiculous.. am I the only one finding this frustrating?

it sounds ridiculous: "and i was like..... and then she was like..... i mean, like... " jeez LOL!

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So What Happened?

I admit, I am a bad speller.. too used to spell check... I love my mac! (hehe!) Thanks for pointing out my spelling errors - I am not coming down on anyone, I am simply making friendly conversation.

I know nobody is perfect. I also am guilty of using the word "like" but not as much as I hear it being used lately. It has become a part of our culture I guess.. Young or old. NO matter who or how old you are.. (I only used the student's letter as an example) I apologize if I offended anyone - like I said... Small talk...

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answers from St. Louis on

"like" has been around for quite a few years.....pretty much since "Valley Girl" days.....what was that, like, the 1990s?

Sorry....couldn't resist! Yes, I hate the overuse of the word. Peace.....

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answers from Dayton on

My teenage nieces use "like" in just about EVERY conversation! Once at a family picnic I told them it was driving me crazy...so everytime they used the word "like" I would ask them to start over...leaving that word out. It actually got everyone laughing because it was so difficult for them. It was fun and it proved my point :) Hopefully my nieces weren't the ones writing to you, LOL!

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answers from Pittsfield on

Sue H- it was like totally the '80's - fer sure! lol

Since the valley girl thing got me thinking about my teen years (the 80's were way gnarly! ), I looked around and found some things JFF.

The 1st is a commercial with a guy that sounds like a valley girl

The 2nd is a how-to, thought it was kind of funny

Mamatothreewee- I feel your pain....x3. All 3 of my boys say "duuude... all the time and it's driving me crazy :/

First Time Mommy, thanks for posting- it got me laughing :oD

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answers from Omaha on

I'm ready to see Fail, Epic, and Epic Fail go away!! :-)

Or my personal pet peeve -- "Where ya at?" How about, "Where are you?"

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answers from Richmond on

I, like, don't know what, like, you're, like, talking about.

OMG MAKE IT STOP!!!!!!!!!!! My daughters say it CONSTANTLY!!

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answers from Kansas City on

Are you being serious? I'm asking because you've misspelled "ridiculous" twice by spelling it with an 'e'. I'm completely serious too. So speaking of wanting to scream, I've been seeing a lot of people misspell it like that lately and want to know why.

Interesting that you are coming down on the kids/youngsters for the overuse of a word when the elders seem to not be able to spell properly. The spell check is in full effect on this site-- those red underlines are there to help you. Before you critique the kids, crack open a dictionary to correct yourself.

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answers from Chicago on

It is about as frustrating as spelling errors ;)

(I know, I have a problem)

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answers from Lancaster on

Oh, it grates at me! When my children say "And then she was like", I gently correct them and say "and then she said".

I also have a bad habit of sometimes doing that to my friends! lol Oh well, they love me anyway!

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answers from Seattle on

My six year old keeps calling me dude. Now, I know dude is a pretty freaking cool word when you are that age...But when I hear it directed at me I kinda cringe! ....Dude! Its awful....

I am guilty of the over usage of the word like.....also amazing and holy cow.

I was in A.P. English for two years in HS...The only reason I can still spell is spell check...and I am the worst with punctuation. My hubby makes fun of me...He says anyone that can speak another language, should be able to spell and use hers correctly first!!

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answers from Charlotte on


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answers from Dallas on

I use "like" a lot. Sometimes I"ll go through and have to delete them! hehe... And, I use "totally" a lot too. I don't know why... :-)

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answers from Los Angeles on

About 13 years ago, that was me. Then I visited a girlfriend up in San Francisco one weekend and her friends bagged on me the entire night. That pretty much put an end to it :)

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answers from Casper on

Like is bad, but in my house, awesome is a "bad word". If we could eradicate both, I would be *totally* happy!

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answers from Philadelphia on

OMG, are you, like, totally against, like, the word "like"? Yeah, I, like, totally agree with you. My 8 and 10 yr old daughters often sprinkle their conversations with "like". They're so smart, and the conversations are often about quite intelligent topics, but throw "like" in there enough times and they sound like morons. I'm trying to get them to break the habit, because that's exactly what it is: a bad habit. Then again, I've been known to over use certain words, too, so I guess I shouldn't, like, complain too much.

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answers from Los Angeles on

I hear you!

~My 15 y/o nephew is the drummer in a band, they recently were on one of our local radio stations and as I drove him and his band mates to the radio station for their interview their talking was making me cringe! Before they all got out of the car I said "OK, so do good, try to speak up and like clear and like try not to mumble and like try to keep the likes like down to a minimum, OK? Because sometimes it's like way annoying to hear like, like a million times in a row"!!!


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answers from Los Angeles on

I am soooo guilty of using the word "like". I am very self concious of it and do not know how to break it. Even as I am saying the sentence or telling the story I try and think of other words to use, but find myself going right back to using the word "like". I look forward to reading these for some hopeful and helpful tips to break the horrible habbit.

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answers from Roanoke on

ooooooh, I hate that!! Lots of words that needlessly make their way into conversations drive me nuts. Like, dude, whateV, epic..all make me grind my teeth. There was a saleswoman we went to years ago that was trying to sell us an espresso machine, and hers were " 'n stuff." "It's a great machine 'n stuff. You'll really love it 'n stuff. You can make awesome drinks 'n stuff." OMG! I'm actually typing extra hard because I'm so pissed right now!!

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