Oh yes, the guys at my work had me watch it a few years ago. Once you see it, it can't be unseen. Thanks for the PSA :)
Apparently there is a video going around called "Two girls, one cup". DO NOT even be tempted to watch it. My husband watched a video of a wife watching it and she threw up. So, he was tempted and turned it on. We got about 10 seconds in and then took the esc. route! To all of those that were as curious as I was, it's bascially a lesbian couple pooping into a glass... the rest I didn't care to watch but is pretty understood. Just wanted to warn you all against what you might not be expecting!!!!
Oh yes, the guys at my work had me watch it a few years ago. Once you see it, it can't be unseen. Thanks for the PSA :)
That video is pretty old. My lovely SIL had me watch it a few years ago before we had ever heard of it. Like Queen stated below, some things can't be unseen!
Definitely not something I am into, but whatever floats your weird twisted boat, I guess!
That is weird! Thanks for the heads up
Thanks for letting us know!
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oh yes, that video has been around for years. I have never seen it, but I have seen videos of people watching it and their reactions. Totally gross.
I just watched it. I a pretty sure they swapped out the poop for chocolate icecream.