I dont see alot of withholding from the girls, girls are allowed to(socially accepted) play with boy stuff as well as girl stuff. Boys get the bad version of this. I think children copy their parents not look for pink or blue.A girl will want to be like mommy, and a boy like daddy. Its not stereotyping, or gender casting, its nature. NOT nurture. If a little boy had a daddy that was a chef he would be more likely to want a play kitchen, and plastic food. If a little girl had a mommy who was an architect she would probably want legos. I dont know any parents that buy their kids what they think they should play with rather than what they naturally gravitate towards.
Also maybe im old school but Men and women are for the most part different, with different drives and talents that are not seasoned within them but God given. There are people who vary, and these people come to this conclusion on their own, and with loving parents it will be an easy thing to do.