JFF- He Ate a Whole Taco!

Updated on June 14, 2012
T.C. asks from Round Rock, TX
8 answers

My 10-year-old picky eater just ate a whole taco from Taco Bell for the first time. I almost feel like crying! It's kind of silly, I know. (He didn't eat it normally, instead he took it apart, complained that the meat was touching the cheese, and dipped each separate piece of lettuce in taco sauce- but he ate it!).
This week, he also decided on his own that he needed to take a shower. I thought Wow he's getting older and more responsible(until I realized it was just an excuse to try out the new adjustable shower sprayer).

So my question is, what unusual "milestones" for your kids have made you want to celebrate(or cry)?

What can I do next?

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answers from Missoula on

Just this week my DD has decided that she can go potty "BY MYSELF MOMMY!!!"

Yeah, sorry baby girl... Mommy has to be in the room with you so you don't flush another roll of toilet paper...


OH! AND I have finally gotten Hubby to realize that dirty socks go INTO the hamper! I'm so proud! (That counts, right?)

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answers from Redding on

Man, now I want one of those dorito shell tacos from taco bell. Thanks a lot ;)
I currently have a weakness for those, they are SO good.

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answers from Minneapolis on

My son's first day of work (he is 16). I was VERY proud of him and he's done a great.

My daugher offering to stay home instead of going with to water skips and clean the house for a party we were having and make cupcakes.

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answers from Fresno on

My son finally decided at age 4 to stand up and pee. Hurray! This has made public bathrooms so much easier. When he was 3 he got his shorts wet while peeing standing up and refused to pee standing up.

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answers from Savannah on

Victor (2 1/2) suddenly was able to reach the pedals on his little tricycle (like a mini-bigwheel). He got it for Christmas, but his short little legs just couldn't quite reach until this week. He learned the motion and how to pedal on Saturday, and on Monday, he rode around the block! That was so fast! I was walking behind him this week as he rode, and he had his chest out, shoulders back, waving at everyone he saw saying "I bike! I ride my bike! I big!" and kinda teared up at this being a big event for him. Watching his pride and his confidence soar was really cool.

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answers from Philadelphia on

mines a simple one. My daughter is 5 and when she plays at friends houses they go into their rooms to play together no longer clinging to us and giggle and whisper thigns to eachother...she seems to big doing these simple things

OH and she ate a taco from taco bell 3 weeks ago, M. and my boyfriend were estatic because we've been wanting tacos and whenever we make them she J. eats the side of rice and tons of cheese, so we avoid them...first time actually enjoying one and asking for one and eating the whole thing! I called my ex to let him know too...lol its funny how one taco can make so many taco lovers happy=)

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answers from Kansas City on

aaaah i love this question. it constantly amazes me how it's not just the first year or two that they have these...it's just that walking and talking are SO huge...it's really us parents who get to enjoy the others :)

my son is 5 1/2. he has always had a problem with swimming, he's just not a natural water baby. most summers he spends the first month or two at the pool clinging to me, SLLLLOOOOWWWWLLLLYYY getting accustomed to the water and trusting it. by the end of the summer he's always fine but it takes FOREVER. last august he broke his arm, so his summer was cut short...and i was dreading another few weeks of freaking out in the water this summer, possibly even worse because of his short summer last year.

NOPE! first time in a few weeks ago, and after about 5 minutes he was going nuts. he turned into a fish on me! i love it!!

and yesterday he emptied the dishwasher in SIX minutes :)

also, he discovered legos. i LOVE that. he plays with them for hours at a time - best toy ever! i'm so glad he's "big enough" to play with them now! (he never really got into the duplo blocks - talking REAL legos, here!)

OH and also, he now gets the mail himself (we do have to cross the street, so i am right there watching) and brings the dumpster up from the road on trash day.

he's getting so big :) last one i promise - this week he attempted to shave lol. cut his little upper lip too! that might not seem like one - but he has not always been close to dad - it took a long time for dad to come around and be the stellar father that he is now - and i really took it to heart, that he wanted to be "just like daddy", and was trying to shave. THAT is what a father/son relationship should be! it was kind of bittersweet (as i cleaned up blood...lol - just a little, and yes, the razors are now securely hidden! not so great mom moment there...lol)

i love the "non traditional" milestones. hubby and i still delight in them together, even though the rest of the world doesn't really care...lol. great question!

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answers from Jacksonville on

HA! That was one of my picky daughter's first fast foods (that wasn't chicken nuggets)! She ate her first hamburger at age 8. It was a deal that was struck with my husband. He said we would allow her to fly across the country with her Gramma to visit extended family IF she would eat an In an' Out burger while she was there. She did. My SIL sent me a phone pic for documentation! LOL

Monday, the family went to the water park. When we were ready to go, the kids went into the changing rooms/bathrooms and hubby went on to the parking lot to the car. I went to return the locker key and then check on daughter. She wasn't quite finished changing so I went out to see if my son had come out of the boy's side yet. He was sitting on a bench with his wet swimsuit wrapped up in his towel, patiently waiting. I almost didn't recognize him across the way. He looked so.... soo... much older. He turns 14 next month, and is almost the same height I am now. :( I told him to go on to the car, if he wanted to, and he went on ahead. :(( Last year, if I would have been brave enough to suggest such a thing, he would have said "nah, I'll just wait."
He's gonna break some hearts this year or next....

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